Blackrock Mountain Event - Resurrection Immunity to Zone into Dungeon/Raid

PvP = Player vs Player. What is happening is players are killing players. You seem confused.


Then you weren’t on Fairbanks

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PvP gonna happen on pvp servers buuuut

Imo all instance portals, flight paths, and summoning stones should provide a sanctuary aura to prevent this kind of ganking. PvP can still happen just not where people are loading in and have absolutely no chance to counter play.

Gankers wont like this idea but I’ve been around these parts long enough to know the rebuttal to that is simply “Git Gud” brotato.


As a Horde player seeing what is happening to Alliance players, I have to agree. It’s turned into a massive corpse camp fest.

I am all for Horde controlling BRS and farming kills, but they need to quickly add a 20 second immunity timer when you rez in BRS. Nothing fancy, just let people get to their instance after a death or two.

It’s important we protect player’s experience, to a certain degree, so they don’t quit the game.


Even better: an Opt out Aura that turns off your PvP flag in BRM during event. (Can’t be attacked, can’t attack, can’t heal PvPers)

Honestly best case scenario is all normal servers with a heavily incentivized war mode
but for some reason the griefers think that’s the worst thing to happen to wow ever.


I played alliance on Faerlina and BRD death runs is pretty much when I left. Even back then it was 5:1 horde to alliance and the game stops being a game at that point for alliance. Or for horde if the balance is the other way.

What they need to do is have an “Eruption” from inside the mountain/dungeon every few minutes that kills everything inside (Removes all traps etc). Give a few minute warning messages to let people exit the dungeon safely. After the warning message no entry into a dungeon is allowed until the eruption ends
 This gives dead people inside time to rez and make it to the dungeon before people outside rush back in.

This ebb and flow will allow people to move in and out easier without the permanent camping. It doesn’t stop the PvP but it breaks it up making it more survivable.

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I was on Faerlina as Alliance, and saying it was anywhere near as bad as this is just straight lying. It was 1 8th of the people in BRM today
 Which was much more manageable. But Horde are incentivized to use their population advantage now to camp BRM.

That is not PVP happening on PVP server. That is bad design they just made up.

Swear if all the sudden they made a PVP event that flagged everyone in Northshire or Brill you idiots would say “pvp on pvp server, should of expected this”

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PvP = Player vs Player. What is happening is players are killing players. You seem confused.

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You know what, I really hate the “you chose to play on a pvp server” argument. I like the horde, and I wanna play on the horde, but there are no high population PVE servers for the horde on SOD. Even when there are on other versions of the game, PVE servers are often much less populated than PVP servers. So I have to get ganked and do a corpse run from across the searing gorge 5 times just because I want to play the faction I like, with a reasonable amount of people to play with?

Reinstate the ability to rez inside an instance.

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The issue is not that it’s a PvP server.
The issue is that because a PvP event was zoned inside of the most valuable PvE zone. That’s fine. Whats not fine is that it takes over an hour (the length of the event) for people to zone inside of their dungeon/raid because of griefing tactics.

I would not care if I died 3-5 times getting into my PvE raid. The problem is that being ganked as soon as I respawn, then having to wait 2 mins to respawn again. It all adds up. Now multiply this by 5-10 players and bam an hour of dedicated game time wasted. Most people don’t have more than an hour or three to game a day. So why would I spend it respawning and dying when I can spend it playing counter-strike, Mario, or Pokemon.

You guys didn’t care when Horde couldn’t even go near Hinterlands Incursions due to imbalance
 didn’t see you on forums about it

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Because incursion PvP isn’t affecting PvE Dungeons / Raids. We are trying to farm our pre-BIS and can’t even zone into a UBRS / BRD for over an hour. It takes longer to get into a dungeon/raid that it does to clear it. It has become a corpse-run simulator.


Gatekeeping the most lucrative way of gaining gold for its entirety
 yea that’s not blocking pve progression at all
 delusional. Each faction always crying when it doesn’t go their way. This is server identity. Alliance always so far ahead in PvE, the typical zoomer mentality, always min/max the PvE and you few that get left behind are getting ganked by us slower on PvE and focus more on PvP. It’s the balance of Classic WoW.

Roll PVE next time. Problem solved.

Nothing here is new in terms of player behavior on a PVP server.

We had a pretty fun time the other night on Crusader Strike as Alliance in BRM. The guild put together a raid of like 35 people and went head to head with the Horde for 54 minutes, giving and taking ground
ended up with 394 HK’s for my effort. This is how I think a lot of people envisioned this event going
and when it does it is quite enjoyable! Need more guilds forming raids and participating at different times of the day so it isn’t just a Horde zerg fest all the time.

That being said
I wouldn’t be opposed to a Bloodmoon type rez veil or just shorter rez timers in general during the event. Alternatively, could add a quest for a dark iron mole machine so people leveling can get into BRD without having to suffer the long trek to the dungeon through the PvP event. As for LBRS/UBRS these are close to the entrance and mostly end game players going here
PvP your way through IMO.

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Ive been playing since 2005, its never been this bad because there was never an event that rewarded you for corpse camping


It was never this bad.

Modern players ruin games for other players. Ya’ll just want to speedrun everything, including the death of server communities, by your actions. The fact the developers didn’t just anticipate this (especially after Incursions), but actively encouraged it by their designs is a baffling.

This is the same team who thinks World Buffs are good for the game. They are not. Rose-tinted memories of a bygone era.


World buffs are good to the game; they encourage people to actually go and interact with the game world. Cataclysm right now is boring af since all you do is sit in the main city and do RDF 5 times a day and raids 1 time a week. Couldn’t bring myself to play for more than 2 weeks after reaching max level. There is less to do than SOD p3.

The unique thing about raiding in classic is the preparation. You collect each of your world buffs and make/buy all kinds of potions and consumables to min-max your class. There’s beauty in that as it makes actually doing the raid and making big numbers so much more satisfying. I have not even played the original wow classic back in 2005 so I can tell you I do not have any colored glasses on, and I am loving this whole worldbuffs ordeal.

By your definition it also wasnt organic in era or even vanilla lol.
They aren’t organic they made hotspots on purpouse. SoD ist just rewarding what already happened.

It already exist, you reward no honor when logging out the dungeon.

What you are saying is that the game needs 40 sanctuaries for a server made to be about having no sanctuaries lol.