Blackrock Horde Reconnections

Ha yeah I remember you Nayo, I’d love to come chill - probably as a social as I’m in Canada at the moment and not sure how that will affect ping

Sweet I sent you a request, account name is rumor

Ahh we used to play with 300ping back in the day will be fine. Anyway Star will get you sorted and get you onto our guild discord :smiley:

Hey Cygore,

Added you mate - gathering the NDC oceanic tribe :wink:

Chat soon!

Mahailo omg good to see u coming back miss you tanking buddy

Character Name: EvilTeddy
Race: Orc
Class: Warrior
Guild: .One.
Realm to join: Whatever the Aus PVP server is.

Came back to WoW after an 8 year absence, to find that the guild had transferred servers and became alliance. Not sure on how many of my old guildies will be rejoining. :frowning:

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I believe the guild in question was Bloodstar, which Soraine and Teyla reformed into Malicious Intent at the start of TBC.

Long time, Jhuk. I just remember you as the warrior that joined the guild and took Zin’rokh, Destroyer of Worlds off Hakkar over my lowly hunter for the umpteenth time, then promptly replaced it a few days later in BWL. :rofl:



Stints in NDC, Defenestrate, Nurfed post Vanilla

I recognize plenty of names and faces here, hey all


I memba you!

Hit me up man! #Underchicken1389

Me and a lot of people i used to play with are rolling on Whitemane for Classic!

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I remember you as a complete terror ( I was on the alliance side ) good to see your here. What server are you guys playing on?

I’ll be playing on whitemane, with an alt on arugal for me aussie mates <3

I remember you Bulls HOOTER

THINK I WONT MAKE THAT JOKE AGAIN I WILL 15 YEARS LATER. I would have abruptly left the server when the Aussie ones got released. Feels bad but dropping from 200 ping to 30 was a no brainer

Saw a mention of oceanic. Haven’t decide if ill be playing. Even then might not play warrior.

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PACISH!!! Wont you be my healer :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Anyone remember ICED Troll Rogue Ninja looter / Orgrimmar Gambler?

Blockquote[quote=“Quiltsharts-frostmourne, post:101, topic:240461, full:true”]
Anyone remember ICED Troll Rogue Ninja looter / Orgrimmar Gambler?

As part of the guild Fun and Games (F.a.G.)?

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lmao yeah thats the one…

One/The Elite/Bloodstar/Malicious Intent
Good to see some names I recognise
Will be alliance on whitemane

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You’re the one my friends undead boar was named after. Maiku was the huntard with it

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