So many NDC players reappearing, its a shame I knew none of you haha.
Name: Xanthipus
Class: Warrior
Race: Undead
Guild: Blackrock Legends (BRL)
Character Name: Rampager
Race: Tauren
Class: Warrior
Guild: Reclamation
Character Name: Warhavern
Race: Orc
Class: Shaman
Guild: vF
Awwe yeah!
Sup Nayo! It’s been a while!
I’ll be keen for a classic guild.
!! hey star
woah got a small community going here
haha never really left just bouncing around feel free to add me! Trogdor#1341
Character Name: Kugashira
Race: Undead
Class: Mage
Guild: Letalis or Leetalis?
I was on the server first Onyxia kill with this guild. Can’t remember what other guilds I was in after that. If you remember me just shoot me a message! Derwin#1107
Character: Leroi
Race: Tauren
Class: Hunter
Guild: Atomic Monsters
Joined right at the very start, and raided up until Vael in BWL. Hit me up if you were around before the split/merge with Mutiny!
feel free to add me Geno. pod#1358
Name: Apothus
Class: Druid
Guild: Infinite Deaths / vF
Hey mate! Yeah we planning to play on Arugal let me know if you are keen to raid with us and I can PM discord details
Woah Warhaven! Long time no see, sweet will add you on bnet.
I’ll be in Audacity most of the OCE NDC boys + alot of the old Audacity crew are joining. Hit me up stardotmeh#1630
Luciferius! Your name rings a bell, I was the MT for Shinning force if you recall. Star and I are in the same guild come join us
Lokkth, was it on that countdown to classic podcast?
Maybe i confusing the name haha
Jhuk Troll Warrior
Can’t remember the Guild Name, all of these sound so familiar.
Leader was Blackearth, Main Tank was Soraine
Obligatory go f*ck your self Deadalious I aint dead.
Character Name: Cygore
Race: Tauren
Class: Shaman
Guild: NDC
Hoping to reconnect, I’ll be on Oceanic
So many old Raging Primates folks popping back up, puts a big smile on my face. Looks like we are going to be rolling Horde on Whitemane if you care to join us!
Hey Warhavern, rolling on Arugal? I’m going to be playing on Whitemane as well as Arugal. Where is Hurri?
Character Name: Mahailo
Race: Tauren
Class: Warrior
Guild: Undying Rage, vF
Will be playing on Arugal and Whitemane.