Blackrock Horde Reconnections

So many NDC players reappearing, its a shame I knew none of you haha.


Name: Xanthipus
Class: Warrior
Race: Undead
Guild: Blackrock Legends (BRL)

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Character Name: Rampager
Race: Tauren
Class: Warrior
Guild: Reclamation

Character Name: Warhavern
Race: Orc
Class: Shaman
Guild: vF

Awwe yeah!

Sup Nayo! It’s been a while!

I’ll be keen for a classic guild.

!! hey star

woah got a small community going here

haha never really left just bouncing around :stuck_out_tongue: feel free to add me! Trogdor#1341

Character Name: Kugashira
Race: Undead
Class: Mage
Guild: Letalis or Leetalis?

I was on the server first Onyxia kill with this guild. Can’t remember what other guilds I was in after that. If you remember me just shoot me a message! Derwin#1107

Character: Leroi
Race: Tauren
Class: Hunter
Guild: Atomic Monsters

Joined right at the very start, and raided up until Vael in BWL. Hit me up if you were around before the split/merge with Mutiny!

feel free to add me Geno. pod#1358

Name: Apothus
Class: Druid
Guild: Infinite Deaths / vF


Hey mate! Yeah we planning to play on Arugal let me know if you are keen to raid with us and I can PM discord details :slight_smile:

Woah Warhaven! Long time no see, sweet will add you on bnet. :slight_smile:

I’ll be in Audacity :slight_smile: most of the OCE NDC boys + alot of the old Audacity crew are joining. Hit me up stardotmeh#1630

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Luciferius! Your name rings a bell, I was the MT for Shinning force if you recall. Star and I are in the same guild come join us :smiley:

Lokkth, was it on that countdown to classic podcast?
Maybe i confusing the name haha

Jhuk Troll Warrior

Can’t remember the Guild Name, all of these sound so familiar.
Leader was Blackearth, Main Tank was Soraine

Obligatory go f*ck your self Deadalious I aint dead.

Character Name: Cygore
Race: Tauren
Class: Shaman
Guild: NDC
Hoping to reconnect, I’ll be on Oceanic :slight_smile:

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So many old Raging Primates folks popping back up, puts a big smile on my face. Looks like we are going to be rolling Horde on Whitemane if you care to join us!

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Hey Warhavern, rolling on Arugal? I’m going to be playing on Whitemane as well as Arugal. Where is Hurri?

Character Name: Mahailo
Race: Tauren
Class: Warrior
Guild: Undying Rage, vF
Will be playing on Arugal and Whitemane.