Blackrock Depths Pet Dungeon is bugged

This is what I have seen. Double and triple hits. Double healing. And this is not because of my abilities or theirs. They just do it on some fights. I was fighting Math and Logic. And I had one stunned. I had the faster speed, Logic comes in and goes 3 TIMES IN A ROW. I have seen Horun do the same thing with its pets. and Alan. It let me click my abilities, but then nothing happened, and it got to go 3 TIMES IN A ROW. That was the straw the broke the camels back. I have seen double and triple healing off abilities that should not do it. I have seen my damage get reduced to 1/3 and less and that is not because of the debuff which takes it to half or any ability that reduces enemy damage. It just happens!! I’ll have an ability that does 400 damage, the enemy pet will have like 89 health left Ill hit it and it’ll do 79 damage. No debuff other than the typical 50% off. The RNG is absolutely garbage, but hey, that is just part of it, I GET THAT. Apocalypse will not hit even though the pet has no dodge or anything and not just once. I’ve tried over and over. ENEMY PETS hitting for 800 I’m hitting for 115. This dungeon I understand is supposed to be challenging. BUT this is just cheating the rules of Pet engagement not difficult balance.
IT IS VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY FRUSTRATING! Please take a look at this Pet dungeon and make sure the bugs are fixed at least. I don’t care about difficulty, but when I have a sound strategy and it doesn’t work because the enemy pet gets to go 3 times in a row even when I have the faster speed and they don’t have an ability that supposed to go first and there is no swap. SOMETHING seems off.

I doubt it’s bugged. A lot of people are still doing BRD, and I’m sure we would have heard.

I haven’t done BRD in years myself, so I don’t remember the battles hardly at all, but Math and Logic are a bit tricky to keep track of because Math has a sweep, and Logic leaves a DoT that’s going to hit you every round for 3 or 4 rounds, along with whatever damage you took that round.

The thing to do when you can’t figure out what happened is to look at the Pet Battle Log. It’s a tab on your Chat box, and if you pull it up, you can see exactly what did what.

Then you can screenshot your log and present it so we can see what actually happened, and if there really looks like there is a bug, maybe someone can verify.

Which strat were you using for Therin? There are several good ones here:

I did check the log. It showed what I suspected. I’m just going to quit, maybe try later, eventually it will get fixed, when enough people notice.
Here is an easy Math and Logic beat. Use 2 Kun lai runts. Use the frost shock and deep freeze and take down. Shock the freeze, the stun, then the swap, other one comes in. Use shock, then swap out other run, use freeze, the stun happens, other comes in, then shock, swap out use Freeze…etc… you can chain stun them to death no problem. Most of the time, this works np. But, sometimes, they do some crazy stuff and chain moves together and you don’t get to do squat.
Guess I’m no good at Pet battles. Ill just quit and leave it to the pros.

Just went back in again, to make sure, Yes. Multiple fights are bugged. No strats are working for Zuna Skullcrush fight. Fozling is bugged. Healing for 200% instead of 150%.

It isn’t about being good at pet battles. Everybody hits that “what just happened?” thing all the time, when you see something unexpected. Certainly I do.

So I went and checked, based on my understanding of what you were using. Neat strat. Not sure if 2 Runts will be a reliable win without a finisher, tho. I used 3. I might have lucked into finishing the battle with two, but I wouldn’t be confident. There’s a solid chunk of RNG, ofc, what with the opponent’s Hit chances and Crit chances.

I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary in the battle. Maybe someone else will? Here’s the log, in case someone wants to check:

Round 1
[Overcharge] dealt 247 damage to your Kun-Lai Runt (Critical).
[Overcharge] applied [Dazzling Criticals] to enemy Logic.
[Frost Shock] dealt 135 damage to enemy Logic (Strong).
[Frost Shock] applied [Frost Shock] to enemy Logic.
[Recovery] healed 56 damage from your Kun-Lai Runt.
Round 2
[Mega Jolt] missed your Kun-Lai Runt.
[Deep Freeze] dealt 392 damage to enemy Logic (Strong).
[Deep Freeze] applied [Stunned] to enemy Logic.
[Recovery] healed 56 damage from your Kun-Lai Runt.
Round 3
Math is now enemy active pet.
Kun-Lai Runt is now your active pet.
[Dazzling Criticals] fades from enemy Logic.
[Frost Shock] fades from enemy Logic.
[Stunned] fades from enemy Logic.
[Stunned] applied [Resilient] to enemy Logic.
Round 4
[Interrupting Jolt] dealt 463 damage to your Kun-Lai Runt (Critical).
[Interrupting Jolt] applied [Stunned] to your Kun-Lai Runt.
[Stunned] fades from your Kun-Lai Runt.
[Stunned] applied [Resilient] to your Kun-Lai Runt.
Round 5
[Whirling Gears] missed your Kun-Lai Runt.
[Whirling Gears] missed your Kun-Lai Runt.
[Whirling Gears] missed your Kun-Lai Runt.
[Frost Shock] dealt 121 damage to enemy Math (Strong).
[Frost Shock] applied [Frost Shock] to enemy Math.
[Recovery] healed 58 damage from your Kun-Lai Runt.
Round 6
[Deep Freeze] dealt 312 damage to enemy Math (Strong).
[Deep Freeze] applied [Stunned] to enemy Math.
[Resilient] fades from enemy Logic.
[Recovery] healed 58 damage from your Kun-Lai Runt.
Round 7
Kun-Lai Runt is now your active pet.
Logic is now enemy active pet.
[Resilient] fades from your Kun-Lai Runt.
[Frost Shock] fades from enemy Math.
[Stunned] fades from enemy Math.
[Stunned] applied [Resilient] to enemy Math.
Round 8
[Overcharge] missed your Kun-Lai Runt.
[Overcharge] applied [Dazzling Criticals] to enemy Logic.
[Frost Shock] dealt 135 damage to enemy Logic (Strong).
[Frost Shock] applied [Frost Shock] to enemy Logic.
[Recovery] healed 56 damage from your Kun-Lai Runt.
Round 9
[Mega Jolt] missed your Kun-Lai Runt.
[Deep Freeze] dealt 312 damage to enemy Logic (Strong).
[Deep Freeze] applied [Stunned] to enemy Logic.
[Recovery] healed 56 damage from your Kun-Lai Runt.
Round 10
Math is now enemy active pet.
Kun-Lai Runt is now your active pet.
[Dazzling Criticals] fades from enemy Logic.
[Frost Shock] fades from enemy Logic.
[Stunned] fades from enemy Logic.
[Stunned] applied [Resilient] to enemy Logic.
[Resilient] fades from enemy Math.
Round 11
[Interrupting Jolt] missed your Kun-Lai Runt.
[Frost Shock] dealt 121 damage to enemy Math (Strong).
[Frost Shock] applied [Frost Shock] to enemy Math.
[Recovery] healed 58 damage from your Kun-Lai Runt.
Round 12
[Deep Freeze] dealt 354 damage to enemy Math (Strong).
[Deep Freeze] applied [Stunned] to enemy Math.
[Recovery] healed 58 damage from your Kun-Lai Runt.
Round 13
Kun-Lai Runt is now your active pet.
Logic is now enemy active pet.
[Resilient] fades from enemy Logic.
[Frost Shock] fades from enemy Math.
[Stunned] fades from enemy Math.
[Stunned] applied [Resilient] to enemy Math.
Round 14
[Overcharge] missed your Kun-Lai Runt.
[Overcharge] applied [Dazzling Criticals] to enemy Logic.
[Frost Shock] dealt 135 damage to enemy Logic (Strong).
[Frost Shock] applied [Frost Shock] to enemy Logic.
[Recovery] healed 23 damage from your Kun-Lai Runt.
Round 15
[Mega Jolt] dealt 396 damage to your Kun-Lai Runt (Critical).
[Mega Jolt] applied [Mega Jolt] to your Kun-Lai Runt.
[Deep Freeze] dealt 294 damage to enemy Logic (Strong).
[Deep Freeze] applied [Stunned] to enemy Logic.
[Mega Jolt] dealt 164 damage to your Kun-Lai Runt (Critical).
[Recovery] healed 56 damage from your Kun-Lai Runt.
Round 16
Math is now enemy active pet.
Kun-Lai Runt is now your active pet.
[Mega Jolt] dealt 164 damage to your Kun-Lai Runt (Critical).
[Dazzling Criticals] fades from enemy Logic.
[Frost Shock] fades from enemy Logic.
[Stunned] fades from enemy Logic.
[Stunned] applied [Resilient] to enemy Logic.
[Resilient] fades from enemy Math.
Round 17
[Interrupting Jolt] missed your Kun-Lai Runt.
[Frost Shock] dealt 121 damage to enemy Math (Strong).
[Frost Shock] applied [Frost Shock] to enemy Math.
[Mega Jolt] dealt 123 damage to your Kun-Lai Runt (Critical).
[Recovery] healed 58 damage from your Kun-Lai Runt.
Round 18
[Deep Freeze] dealt 259 damage to enemy Math (Strong).
[Deep Freeze] applied [Stunned] to enemy Math.
[Mega Jolt] dealt 82 damage to your Kun-Lai Runt.
[Recovery] healed 58 damage from your Kun-Lai Runt.
Round 19
Kun-Lai Runt is now your active pet.
Logic is now enemy active pet.
[Mega Jolt] dealt 123 damage to your Kun-Lai Runt (Critical).
[Mega Jolt] fades from your Kun-Lai Runt.
[Resilient] fades from enemy Logic.
[Frost Shock] fades from enemy Math.
[Stunned] fades from enemy Math.
[Stunned] applied [Resilient] to enemy Math.
Round 20
[Overcharge] dealt 247 damage to your Kun-Lai Runt (Critical).
[Overcharge] applied [Dazzling Criticals] to enemy Logic.
[Frost Shock] dealt 135 damage to enemy Logic (Strong).
[Frost Shock] applied [Frost Shock] to enemy Logic.
[Recovery] healed 56 damage from your Kun-Lai Runt.
Round 21
[Mega Jolt] dealt 198 damage to your Kun-Lai Runt.
[Mega Jolt] applied [Mega Jolt] to your Kun-Lai Runt.
[Deep Freeze] dealt 355 damage to enemy Logic (Strong).
Enemy Logic died.
[Failsafe] healed 370 damage from enemy Logic.
[Failsafe] applied [Mechanical] to enemy Logic.
[Deep Freeze] applied [Stunned] to enemy Logic.
[Mega Jolt] dealt 82 damage to your Kun-Lai Runt.
Your Kun-Lai Runt died.
Round 21
Kun-Lai Runt is now your active pet.
Round 22
Math is now enemy active pet.
[Frost Shock] dealt 121 damage to enemy Math (Strong).
[Frost Shock] applied [Frost Shock] to enemy Math.
[Dazzling Criticals] fades from enemy Logic.
[Frost Shock] fades from enemy Logic.
[Stunned] fades from enemy Logic.
[Stunned] applied [Resilient] to enemy Logic.
[Resilient] fades from enemy Math.
[Recovery] healed 58 damage from your Kun-Lai Runt.
Round 23
[Deep Freeze] dealt 328 damage to enemy Math (Strong).
[Deep Freeze] applied [Stunned] to enemy Math.
[Recovery] healed 57 damage from your Kun-Lai Runt.
Round 24
Kun-Lai Runt is now your active pet.
Logic is now enemy active pet.
[Frost Shock] fades from enemy Math.
[Stunned] fades from enemy Math.
[Stunned] applied [Resilient] to enemy Math.
Round 25
[Overcharge] missed your Kun-Lai Runt.
[Overcharge] applied [Dazzling Criticals] to enemy Logic.
[Frost Shock] dealt 121 damage to enemy Logic (Strong).
[Frost Shock] applied [Frost Shock] to enemy Logic.
[Resilient] fades from enemy Logic.
[Recovery] healed 0 damage from your Kun-Lai Runt.
Round 26
[Deep Freeze] dealt 542 damage to enemy Logic (Critical).
Enemy Logic died.
[Recovery] healed 0 damage from your Kun-Lai Runt.
Round 26
Math is now enemy active pet.
Round 27
Kun-Lai Runt is now your active pet.
[Interrupting Jolt] missed your Kun-Lai Runt.
[Resilient] fades from enemy Math.
Round 28
[Whirling Gears] dealt 277 damage to your Kun-Lai Runt (Critical).
[Whirling Gears] dealt 277 damage to your Kun-Lai Runt (Critical).
Kun-Lai Runt is now your active pet.
Round 29
[Laser] dealt 417 damage to your Kun-Lai Runt (Critical).
[Frost Shock] dealt 121 damage to enemy Math (Strong).
Enemy Math died.
[Failsafe] healed 361 damage from enemy Math.
[Failsafe] applied [Mechanical] to enemy Math.
[Frost Shock] applied [Frost Shock] to enemy Math.
[Recovery] healed 56 damage from your Kun-Lai Runt.
Round 30
[Takedown] dealt 146 damage to enemy Math.
[Laser] dealt 417 damage to your Kun-Lai Runt (Critical).
[Recovery] healed 56 damage from your Kun-Lai Runt.
Round 31
[Deep Freeze] dealt 334 damage to enemy Math (Strong).
Enemy Math died.
[Recovery] healed 56 damage from your Kun-Lai Runt.
[Battle Recovery] healed 472 damage from your Kun-Lai Runt.
[Battle Recovery] healed 139 damage from your Kun-Lai Runt.