Blackout strike > Blackout kick

I have been trying Brewmaster on the PTR and im really loving Celestial Brew, but I dont like how they removed blackout strike and replaced it with blackout kick, I understand the relating all monks, but Black out strike was such a good animation and made your weapon not just sit there like a mage staff. Maybe you can make it a glyph to change it back but I really liked the animation. Thank you


I definitely agree, the more customization the better. I would love more move animations for monks in general. More so than other classes, having different looking moves for a martial artist would be nice.
Along with the Black out strike Animation, there could be a roundhouse animation. A hook or even spinning elbow
For rising sun kick there could be a jumping spinning heel kick. A back rush attack. An overhead axe kick
Tiger jab could include teep kicks and side kicks.

I know im dreaming here, but like i said, monks, more so than other classes, could benefit from more/customized attack animations

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I prefer the kick, but BoS is better than BoK because BoS is on 3s CD and adds a charge of Elusive Brawler mastery where as BoK is on 4s CD and doesn’t.

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Changing Blackout Strike to Blackout Kick was probably just the easiest way to implement the option to dual wield as a Brewmaster in 9.0. Just removing the old weapon animation entirely rather than having to create one for fists and another for sword/axe/mace or even a combination of the two.

I miss it, too, though.


Actually never thought of this, very true. Don’t know why they had to nerf its CD to 4s and remove Elusive Brawler from it though. Very annoying.

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I’m hoping the Elusive Brawler nerf was just an oversight (but I’m not holding my breath).

they could use the old windwalker jab animation

Kicking is always > then swinging a golf club. Because that is what blackout strike was, a non martial arts animation that belongs on the back nine.

Blackout kick is superior. Lets bring more hand to hand to the only unique martial arts class in game.

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Except that it bugs out with the Fu Zan artifact weapon, and looks super weird, where it would have a proper animation when it was blackout strike.

There is no point in having multiple weapon types accessible to the class if they don’t have proper animations. If monks were supposed to be a pure non weapon class, then they should remove access to every other weapon type that isn’t a fist weapon.


Using a weapon is also apart of martial arts. I think we should just be able to choose what we want. This is a custom character friendly expact.


I understand why you think that.

My perspective is Arms warriors are the masters of weapons (because that is blizzards description for arms warrior) and monks are the masters of hand to hand (because that is how blizzard describes them).

Warrior- “Vast knowledge of Arms”

Monk- “Bare-Knuckle Brawlers whose NO-Weapon styles”

Again though you have your opinion and I have mine.

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Yeah i see your point, I think that further solidifies it to be a glyph so that we can customize it how we want it

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Pour some out for Blackout Strike. You will be missed.


They shouldn’t even make a glyph to change the animation. They should make it so it automatically changes to strike if you have a 2 hander equiped or kick if you have 2 one handers


Went through this exact dang adjustment period at the end of WoD.

At least its not like how when they took out chi explosion or guard.

I totally agree. It should continue to use the current animation when 2h and only use BOK when dual wielding.


We use our fists with tiger palm. They need to give us the option to use our weapon in some capacity. I love Fu Zan.

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