Blackhand Alliance Reconnections

Wahts up Razor…

SIgned… Loco aka Pastie

Played vanilla/BC with some dudes: Ibex, Hadalir, Stance, Idun/Assiduous, Nefthys, Cueball/Cuestab. Im playing on Sulfuras alliance as Toxxik. if you guys/girls see this, hit me up!

but but but… Merco… what about Fusion?

been playing off and on throughout the years… lost contact with almost all the old < Fusion > ppl… but i know there’s still some bunnishers out there… help an old dorf out… i’ve since quit playing retail, but “might” come back if the old gang was back to playing again…

<3 ./wave from Skeddo and I!

eh, whats up Doc!

Gayfyre!!! - Brackner says hello

Brackner… that name sounds familiar for some reason. What guilds, race/class?

Skygi here, used to play Night Elf Druid, loved pvp, and spent my last days in God Given Arrogance :slight_smile:

Hey, Its Fellin (rogue), one of the original charter signers of Lobster Magnet. Me and Ahnvil (paladin) are playing on Mankirk as Horde.

We have a fusion alumni bnet community and a discord as well!

Rorac here resto/feral druid formerly and solely of Afterdark. I remember Jessi and some of the other AD crew that posted here. The guild has a decent number of players on Mankrik.

Sharpspear here /wave

Voyager - Night Elf - Hunter - Blackhand
Used to play with a rogue named Shanobi, Paladin named Georged, and a Mage named Omar, I really wish I could find these guys again!

Currently playing Voyager - Rogue - “Blaumux” - Troll.

Toons were
Zelanda NE Warrior 60
Gnomepowah/punt Gnome Mage 60

I was in a few guilds,
The New Inquisition
Lords of Shadow
And 2 others.

I had a few mates around the server on Alliance side, but xfered in TBC to Proudmoore to an Aussie guild…

I played on Blackhand too, I was in Clan Meteoris back in the day, I went by the name Schenck on my 60 Nelf Druid

I am also on Blauemex server, I am Compost the Human Warrior.

How goes in on the Horde side? <3

Dude! What’s happening?

Anyone remember me?
Malkontent? Bowkill? Are you around?

Fusion died halfway through Naxx.
The band got back together for WotLK but died halfway through Ulduar or whatever.
What remains is just a clique from within. Notice Merco gave no leads as to how to find them, just that they exist without you.

Btw, I remember you Tey, and I always had respect for you. You were a solid player on every level I interacted with you. Glad to see your name.

Loved raiding with GT! Deaulos here, Druid healer.