Blackhand Alliance Reconnections

Just an update: Our group of like 20ish of Transcended/live guild people are probably gonna be swapping over from Herod to Stalagg horde if anyone is interested in joining us! Screw 10-15k queues on day 1!

You can add me on discord at Arbaxas#6764 for details :smiley:

What’s up guys! I heard some folks were looking for me? Serenite how are you doing? Who is Idokids?

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Sup dude? How’s the family doin?

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Hey who is this btw?

Hey Dawg , Raevan and I are planning on playing.

Probably not many that remember me, but I played as Antiel (Warlock), Xemogen (Mage) and Daxlin (Rogue), primarily in Angelic Wrath. BC on forward, I was with either Cornerstones of Azeroth or Comfortably Numb. I’d like to get back into vanilla raiding, and I’m planning to go to the lowest pop server I can manage (Either a PVE or an RP server). Hit me up if you’re looking to assemble a raiding crew.

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Hey Game Theory bois! I was a dwarf holy pally named Gimlock in BC with you guys, remember that 2k dps club we had on teron gorefiend?

The Panic folks and friends are going there too.

Yo. Bolivion!

What’s up!

Wow this is triggering a lot of memories!

I only had one main, this one. Was in After Dark, then Before Dawn. I forgot exactly what happened, there may have been minor drama.

I’ll be playing Horde on Pagle for Classic. Reach out on discord if you want to join! steamedturtle#7775 Here’s the video of our first Gorefiend Kill, hahahaha. Didn’t quite make the 2k DPS club on this one but I know I made it eventually.

I remember a couple Kumar and Celsi maybe that use to run raids in MC. Anyone remember that guild? Went by Jorshaiz in that guild.

What up, these last few days can’t go fast enough.

Sweet. I plan on playing Horde this time with some ppl I played Legion and BFA with

LOL. Nice to you man. Well, I have a set of friends going to start up on Myzrael if you’re interested.

Are you a Polaris OG?

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I played with Transcended for awhile. I was Asheris, a gnome mage. I raided MC/BWL very early on in vanilla with those guys. I’ve seen a few names mentioned that I definitely remember…Arbaxas and Telani. Wasn’t a dwarf warrior tank named Derrida the MT of this guild? My memory is really hazy now but yeah… Blackhand was my first home in vanilla and Transcended was the first real raiding guild I got invited into. Good times.


I’m Manador, Human Mage, started playing with Kingdom of Heaven and then migrated to Warders. I stopped playing with Cataclysm - too much of what I liked about the community was gone. I’m really excited about Classic! =)

Kejek -Transcended- here. Actually posting on my original vanilla warrior character, though he’s been renamed slightly :stuck_out_tongue:. I’ll be playing on Pagle/Alliance with some friends, and probably roll a horde/pvp char with the rest of the Transcended folks as a secondary character.

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