Black & White Hair for Void Elves Please!

Thank you, I did have you in mind as well when I made this thread. I have some friends and know a lot of people who would really like a black, white and brown and have been saying so both on Wowhead, the forums and on Twitter.


Agree. After Blonde and Red Hair Colors being added. I feel like Black and White has been missed out on Void Elves pretty much in terms of Both High and Void Elf Looks.


It makes sense as we barely had any colour variety so it’s natural for people to want to see a few more colours added, a.k.a the ones mentioned on OP


I like the idea of black and white. I was in favor of black before, but I use to make a lot of my characters in multiple games with white. So why not both. Great suggestion. :partying_face:


Thank you! :blush:


Black and white hair colors are a mile?

Can you extrapolate on distance measurements and level of requests for me?


Void elves needs black and white hair, along with other void customizations other then “natural” themes.


Thank you! We’re also looking forward to some void themed customization in the future :grinning:


It’s simple, really.

5 hair colors = an inch
3 hair colors = a mile



Exactly adding an extra 2-3 colours should be fine, they can be ported over from another race if needed


I’ve seen people post why aren’t there covenant specific Druid forms after the post saying they’re getting more Druid forms added.

I’ve seen people say they want more work done on Nightborne after the Nightborne updates have been revealed.

Everyone will always ask for more future requests after current ones are/have been implemented.

It’s natural and the norm. People gotta stop acting like it’s something out of the ordinary or “greedy” to make more customization requests.


Since they’re adding the hair colours soon they can just add another 2-3 as well, and honestly I will personally stop my requests for a long time after that since they will have satisfied the entire high elf and some of the void elf community in regards to hair colours. I’m not saying in regards to everything ofc but in terms of colours it will be perfect.


Same. Moving forward, all we’d need is a couple hairstyles, jewelry and tattoos and that’s pretty much it. Nevertheless, I won’t begrudge those that also want the void theme expanded either so we have a broad spectrum to choose from like some other AR’s have, namely the Maghar with their multitude of clans.

But by and large, I’m very content and appreciate Blizzard immensely for hearing us after all these years. It’s been a long road having to deal with intentionally obtuse naysayers.


For sure, I’ve been in this battle for hair colour variety for the last 9 months and cannot even begin to imagine how it must’ve been for some others who have been in this fight since Void elves came out or even before that


It was awful, sadly. I’m old enough to remember the sea of gloating that came our way when Ion made his infamous “Horde is waiting for you” comment. It was painful to hear, even more so when other people who stood to lose nothing were happy about us being denied something. It made me bitter not just against those people, but also Blizzard for enabling that kind of behavior.

Thankfully, we’ve come far.


Yeah I think that statement by Ion hurt quite a few people…


It was after that I pretty much started letting my sub run out. That was just the straw that broke the camel’s back and little by little, Blizzard is helping re-earn that trust. I really hope it continues. Both in the realm of expanded customization and rooting out toxic behavior. Absolutely no one needs to be intimidated, mocked, or belittled because they’re asking for customizations.


For sure. The more the customizations the richer the game becomes and the easier for people to express their preferred character persona.

No one should feel intimidated for providing feedback and making suggestions that will help them enjoy the game more.


Just gonna add this here to this thread as well. Basically, all the arguments used against the High Elf customisations on the Void Elves, it is time to bring out the facts:

These customisations are destroying the Void Elf lore:
Customisations have nothing to do with the lore in general. Player Characters =/= Lore Characters. And considering for the Void Elves, the lore is all based mostly around Alleria Windrunner, from saving Umbric and his followers to unlocking them, there isn’t much lore to simply state what Void Elves would truly look like in future generations.

The High Elf community is just stealing stuff from the Blood Elf playerbase:
Except, nobody is stealing anything from anyone. I put it this way, you do not hold ownership to everything in relation to the game. Customisations, mounts, etc, they are all part of your Blizzard account which you hold a licence too, and that licence does not give you ownership over the game, including things within it. Therefore, nothing can be stolen when it is by Blizzards decision.

People requesting for High Elf Options on Void Elves are asking for a soft delete of Void Elves:
Nothing is being deleted. As per quote of Ely’s words, the reason why people are receiving these customisations are to give everyone the opportunity to play as a High Elf on both Horde and Alliance. There will still be people out there who will play a Blood Elf on Horde as a Blood Elf, and there will be people out there that will play a Void Elf as a Void Elf on Alliance. There is nothing being deleted from the game and nothing being requested to be deleted.

The Alliance have taken something away from the Horde, the Horde should receive something from the Alliance:
Except it isn’t the Alliance player base to say who gets what? These are all under the decisions of Blizzard, not the High Elf community or the Alliance community. A post from Ely simply states on some of these customisations:

According to a dev interview Ion gave several months ago, Blood Elves were originally unintended to have blue eyes in Shadowlands, but later on that decision was reversed following team discussions. If the art department was involved, what was the reasoning that led to blue eyes being added for Void Elves and Blood Elves?

This is another place where there was a race, High Elves, in the game which hadn’t really been represented on player characters. Blood Elves were the closest, but had felt green eyes. It was an opportunity where we had a number of elven races, and we could tie it back to their roots, letting players choose where they want to align and what fantasy to play out. We did have a lot of discussion about it, ultimately we might do more in the future, but for now we’re providing the option to have a few High Elf customizations available.

Basically, it explains that there was a number of playerble elven groups whether it was the Blood Elves on Horde or the Void Elves on Alliance, and instead of adding in a 3rd group of the same race, applying customisations to both factions groups to allow people to play the fantasy they want to live out, whether it is a High Elf or Blood Elf through the Blood Elf playable race or a High Elf or Void Elf through the Void Elf playable race.

Blizzard should change Alleria model so the Alliance can never request for High Elven customisation:
This isn’t something Blizzard is going to do just to please people who want to make claims on something. Alleria absorbed the Void Energies through the Dark Naruu, L’rua. Umbric and his followers were transformed by Void Etherals.

Void Elves are corrupted. They shouldn’t be receiving non-corrupted customisations:
Void Elves are not corrupted by the Void, but are infused with it. It is now basically part of there DNA. And considering future Void Elves have to come from somewhere, the lore does not state that Void Elves are corrupted, even after there transformation caused from the Void Etherals. Though these customisations have nothing to do with the lore of the Void Elves.

If people want to play a High Elf, they should be rolling Horde:
This is only an opinion of some. But people shouldn’t be forced to roll a faction to play a High Elf if they choose not to do so. That is why the Void Elves have been given these customisations, to allow people to play the fantasy they want to play out on the faction they prefer.

People want to play a Blood Elf on Alliance, that is all what these customisations are:
The Blood Elves were never originally going to get blue eyes. The fel takes a really long time to wear off. And considering Void Elves does not have options to Green or Golden eyes, something which belongs to the Blood Elves, this doesn’t mean people want to play as a Blood Elf on Alliance. People wanted to originally play as an Alliance High Elf.


There was a pretty ugly period after Ion’s chat and Void Elves were announced where the forums at large were getting into it. It was kind of any troll around would throw the Ion comment at you, rather than a smaller group.

Yeah, like I said above, it wasn’t some small group of people. Just anybody who wanted to troll would jump in on it and then would talk about, “The containment thread.”