Black Tux Pants moggable year-round!

Thank you Blizz!

Always had trouble with Mail-Mogs due to lack of black pant options, this is awesome!

On my Rogue I always wore Dark Leather Pants

DISCLAIMER: Only the “Black Tuxedo Pants” give the transmog unlock

The other item “Tuxedo Pants” without the word black, does not unlock the transmog (though they share the same model)

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And what about the “lovely dress”? Will that be transmogabble too year round?

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I vaguely recall a thread recently stating the dresses are moggable year round too, but i’m not 100% sure

I remember seeing that the “hats” are apparently still restricted though (bunny ears, santa hat, etc)

Yeah that’s me.

Yes. They are.


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I’m so happy with this change I have been busy collecting grays and whites from vendors.

Also I can finally tranmog my black embersilk gown I’ve had in my bank since cata. I am so disappointed that they changed the cloak from the vineyard quest in Northshire and I don’t have old Blanchies blanket any more either.