Black Temple Hero Track Gear Un-Catalyzable

Received a Hero track Garments of Temperance as the reward from Disturbance Detected: Black Temple quest in Shattrath but this item can not be used in the Revival Catalyst in Thaldrazzus to convert for a tier piece.

The champion track version of the same chest piece received of the boss out the raid the same evening can be catalyzed.

Same here. My hero reward for Black Temple’s TW quest cannot be used in the revival catalyst.

Same issue. My Death Knight’s Hero Track Heartshatter Breastplate will not go in the Catalyst.

Yup. Got Robe of the Malefic (493 Champion-track) off Illidan and it’s giving me the option to Catalyze that. Leggings of the Malefic (506 Heroc-track) from the quest box doesn’t have that option though.