Black Skin Night Elves. Is it possible?

We don’t have a canon age for Malfurion or Illidan, where are you getting 14k from? They’re young adults in the novels and presumably the old canon as well. The Mogu Empire was never a threat to the kaldorei because it had already collapsed by the time the kaldorei did any serious expansion.

The lore clearly states the pandaren rebelled 12k years ago, and then fought the trolls a century later. They were only truly pushed aside when Azshara ascended and truly made the Empire expansive, which means that Azshara ascended to the throne after the pandaren revolution.

The kaldorei likely existed before then, but they only truly seem to have become an empire around 2k years before the War of the Ancients. We know that Azshara wasn’t queen when it was first established, so she must have shown up after.

That’s not true, we have canon sources where it says how old they are :wink:

Have you ever read the WC3 manual? It says the age of the hero characters.

Also we know that the night elves helped the Pandaren and there was an old alliance, we know that Azshara came to power 14.000 years AGo.

As I said, the Night Elf Empire was 4000 years old when it fell.

There is literally nothing on Wowpedia or any other canon sources in regards to the age of Malfurion or Illidan, nor the time periods of the empire being established beyond what we’re told. The WC3 manual was written 20 years ago, and the lore was already changed even in Vanilla.

The trio are young adults in War of the Ancients. How do we know this? Because it’s specifically said that Tyrande had only recently returned after going away to priestess training as a young teenager, and had returned as a young adult. It’s specifically mentioned (because Illidan is pursuing her) how she had changed in the intervening years.

The night elves might have helped the pandaren, but they were specifically not an empire then because there is zero mention of them clashing with the mogu, which they would have if they’d expanded when it was around. And if they had, and won, it would have been part of the Kaldorei Empire, but it specifically was not which means that when the expansion happened it was already a friendly nation.

Go look at the maps, the height of the Kaldorei Empire doesn’t encroach on Pandaria at all, meaning that they were allies. But Pandaria only became a friendly race after the mogu were overthrown. The kaldorei weren’t even a thought until after the mogu fell, 12k years ago.

Using winky face emojis doesn’t make your argument any less unfounded.

Edit: Also, thanks for making me use a Knaak novel as a source, now I need to go pray to the literature gods for forgiveness.


Because wowpedia isnt complete make the source not noncanon :wink:

I’ve always thought Belf dark skin ton is for business. Can’t think of any lore ground (rather it’s opposite as far as I know),
and same logic goes with Nelves.

Anyway it’s a year old thread lol

That timeframe has never made sense.

That source is outdated. I believe that in WotA Malfurion is a few decades old, so the same would go for Tyrande and Illidan. Then again that is switched again in Wolfheart when Malfurion notices that Jarod looks far older than him despite being 1k years younger.

I don’t think it’s possible through natural means. The coloration of Night Elves runs along blues, greens and purples, as it also does with trolls.

Night Elves could have their skin tone changed to be brown or black artificially (chemicals or magic), but it’s not naturally occurring for the same reason we don’t have naturally green-skinned humans in real-life.

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That source is still kanon.legion even admittet it.

What did Legion admit?

Elves are the Eevee of WoW:

  • Night Elf + Void = Naga
  • Night Elf + Magic = Highborne
  • Night Elf - Well of Eternity + New Well of Eternity = Thalassian High Elf
  • Thalassian High Elf - New Well + Lite Fel = Blood Elf
  • Thalassian High Elf - New Well + Dalaran = Dalaran High Elf
  • Blood Elf + Extra Fel = Felblood Elf
  • Blood Elf - Magic = Wretched
  • Highborne + Eye of Amanthul = Nightborne
  • Nightborne + Fel = Felborne
  • Nightborne - Eye of Amanthul = Withered
  • Night Elf or Blood Elf + Extra Fel + Illidan = Illidari

So naturally, the new darker skin for Blood Elves could be

  • Blood Elf + Extra Light = darker skin + golden eyes

But Blizzard is too cowardly to make it canon and give Liadrin darker skin.

Likewise, maybe some other magic makes Night Elves darker.


Yeah we - fans - can create the lore. What I want to say is that we don’t have the official lore about some customizations. And well, I’m okay with it.
I just particularly cared about Belves cos the skin color of the Elves shows their identities in the wow lore. It’s not just different skin color, but it represents their ‘race.’

So merely adding the color options without lore background was not desirable method for me, but hey, I’m okay with it cos I can understand the reason behind it.
I agree with you about Blizz being cowardly, but I think that’s not bad move for business. :wink:

Good point, I looked into it, but I’m finding conflicting information from Blizzard.

Also anyone else appreciate the first reply to my necro being from an undead? lol

Anytime :v:.

Yeah, Humans already look like Orcs without matching skin tones. At least Nelf and HighBorne have different models (animations matching was a neat touch though).

Maybe 9.1 is taking long to include additional allied race customizations (probably not).

Yeah, I hate that Nelf’s have night warrior eyes. All this customization is probably for the more RP style players. I think they stick around more than PVE/PVP focused players who are more interested in the meta.

I know it’s a Sunwell, but isn’t it fueled by the light of a Naaru?
Also elves can also have darker skin if they spend a lot of time outdoors lol

It is permissible for Bizzard to service BOTH. I only went with that option on one of my characters because the others were not appropriate.

Not until they get the proper blue skin. Void elf like-like shades of blue

Let’s have all races be all colors, let’s have races be multi colored.

Racial distinction doesn’t matter anymore, neither does the lore.

they have a blueish purple which is pretty close to what you have on your void mage there.

They have black skin though.
I dont get it.

My statement wasn’t directed at you, BUT since you’re here: If you have the night warrrior eyes (stares at portrait), the only way it would be “appropriate” would be if you role played the night warrior ritual Tyrande did. So… the night warrior eye customization was tailored more for RP’ers… like I said. For pve/pvp only players there’s no such thing as “appropriate” customization.

This would be epic if it came with the obliteration of racials. Then you’d see less people selecting race for meta.

Night elves?

Who made you the Hall Monitor for player chosen mods?

It’s “appropriate” for whatever the reasons any given player might want it for. You don’t get to gatekeep on this. Blizzard didn’t create this game for us. It just happens to be something that we can make use of as we choose.

You don’t get to choose the RP implications of this either. This could be very well from b being collaterally affected by the ritual or whatever the bloody reason the player wants to name.

Maybe they want to interpret this as going overboard on Shadow the way Blood Elves got green eyes for their fel habits.

We’ve tolerated people calling themselves dragons, this is a lot less extreme.

No idea why you’re coming after me… cool your jets. WRT your hall monitor comment: If I was trying to be hall monitor, I would be stopping you or telling you to change… but I didn’t. I just said it was RP, but still not canon. You can have cool black eyes all you want, I’m not going to get mad at you. Also, please recall that you used the word “appropriate” first, and that I was quoting you and not using it in some snobby way.