Black Prince Rep

You know, it would be really, super nice if the quests related to Wrathion’s return and the Horrific Visions actually… you know… gave us Black Prince rep. It would also be really nice if that questline was put back in MoP content again. Not even sure why they felt they had to remove it in the first place.

Come on, Blizz! :slight_smile:


Agreed! They can still keep the legendary reward as unobtainable, just put that quest line back in. I hate when story segments get removed


Yeah, I just want to experience a storyline I missed out on that feels like it was a big part of the expansion. The legendary is less important to me than 1) playing through the story & 2) getting one rep closer to that lovely 100 Rep Achievement. :wink: As it is, I’m making full use of the anniversary event to finally close the gap on a lot of reps!


It was a big part of the story in MoP.

I believe you can still get rep killing mobs on Isle of Thunder (Could be wrong). I remember farming the mogu statues when MoP was current.


Yeah I wish they would bring back a lot of quest lines because I feel the same way.

It’s a clever a neat idea to tie the black prince rep to the new stuff coming out. I would like that to happen.

I wish they could figure out a way to use that pandaren starter zone rep that’s stuck at honored.


You can get ~500-600 Black Prince rep once per week killing a celestial on Timeless Isle. Only one celestial kill counts per week. Starting from scratch, you’d have to do it for two full years of gameplay. That’s just… ugh.


Ah yeah that sucks lol

I’m all for the return of the quest line involving Wrathion as well as the quest line removed from WoD related to the ring. Removing them in the 1st place was stupid since so much story was lost and we have much older legendaries we can still obtain.


That’s ridiculous. That’s a grind I don’t even want to think about. They definitely need to fix that.

They changed the centaur reps to be a lot easier to obtain, so perhaps there is hope for other reps to change as well.


Yeah, it’s my hope that, because of how they revised the Centaur reps, they’ll revisit older ones like this, the Wandering Isle, and even the long-lost Shendralar and Zandalari Tribe reps, though the latter seems less likely now that we have the main Zandalari in game.

I’d also love an easier way to grind all those Steamwheedle cities, but I suppose that would cheapen the “Insane” achievement and title, lol.

Early hostage content.

Stay subbed or miss the expansion. New players don’t need to see that content. Old players don’t want to do it again on an alt. You will stay subbed. You will play it when they say to play it. Or it will be gone.

That’s why all content but the most current xpac is included free with the sub.

Wow has been using more and more freemium tactics as the last few xpacs progressed. I’m just waiting for raid tiers to be deleted as new ones come out.

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Great game design!

My hunter is exalted to it now, from discovering she could just kill trash mobs during Legion :wink:

I found it out accidentally, while trying to raise Panda reps/farming for some Bow mog (which I eventually got bored of, just buying it on the AH, but not before I saw “Black Prince rep” raised. What???!)

Then I looked it up, seeing that evidently because she did enough steps it was possible for her to raise it on trash mogu dude kills on the Island. Originally I thought I was stuck killing Guardian animals, once a week.

Yep, that was it :wink: Only if you were as far along as my Hunter, though. You had to start the Black Prince thing, back then. If you didn’t, you don’t get the rep just from killing those mobs (you are stuck with the weekly guardian beast/whatever kill.)

AH, yeah Celestial. Forgot what they were called.

It is a nice surprise, if you have a character like my Hunter, to find out now you can raise it on those junk kills :wink:

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Super jelly of you, lol. working towards the 100 exalted reps as well, they could also increase the celestial boss rep given to like 2k per kill ,it would make the time grind from 0 neutral to exalted be 21 weeks like the hydraxian waterlords in molten core(cuts the time to 1/3 of the current grind time) , a year and a half its too long for a reputation

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I am glad I finished this when it was current. Hated the grind but finished before it was removed.

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