Black Lotus Spawn Rate Increased - February 13

a single raid needs 40 lotus every week on going. warriors need 10 sapphires one time.

you dont need to flask, you also dont need lionshelm.

Black lotus is still pain to farm. I don’t understand why blizzard doesn’t just do what they did in SOM and make high lvl herbs have a chance to drop black lotus the solution has literally already been solved. Black Lotus should be around 50g each to align with arcane crystals the top item u can farm from mining.

not really, the difference between LHH and Mask of the Unforgiven is marginal lol :expressionless:

Ughh you 100% need LHH… its the most important item in a warriors inventory.

Massive L. Leather? Ooof. No thanks.

maybe because anniversary doesn’t have difficult raids, unlike SoM :expressionless: do you want enhanced raid difficulty in exchange for more black lotus? no? didn’t think so

SOM raids were a joke.

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Ummm yes? Actually?

But we know youd cry about them changing the game. I 100% guarantee if they came out with harder raids youd completely cry because they changed the game… then we would have to link all your SoM love and youd have no answer but continue to keep crying about how they killed the game with harder raids.

no you dont lmao. it is not 100% a need. its 100% a want.

this is the real reason why Eyr’s profile is not public. whoever this person is constantly shares conflicting opinions and hot takes on literally everything.

you say that and yet you are 100% against adding SoM difficulty to anniversary :expressionless: hmmm

found the swiper and or seller


100% a swiper, especially now that big bad blizz took away their gdkp.

this has nothing to do with raiding it has all to do with availability of an item when u spend the time to max out a profession. It should not be impossible to farm something in this game keeping black lotus semi rare is fine but if I search for hours and come up empty handed this is something blizzard needs to address.


Pretty much.

They absolutely cry about XP boosts, more raid loot, changed raids, then come out and claim SoM was the best version of the game which literally had all 3 things LOL.

Just a scumbag of a poster tbh

No shot its 15 min respawns on black lotus more like 45 mins.

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I believe they are using the fix from 4 years ago which made it 15-30 minute respawns and added nodes.

It’s obviously still not enough

Totally not enough, all it did was make botters significantly more wealthy.

Literally feeding them US dollars.

Adding BL to high level nodes is the only solution here. That or selling at a vendor for a floor cost of say… 40-50 gold… That way the price will never hit a ceiling above that.


120g is semi-rare :expressionless: that’s the exact price a semi-rare item should have right about now

Based on what logic besides the 75 IQ mush you call a brain between your ears.

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120g is a significant sum but it’s not enough to bankrupt you either :expressionless: it’s fine

120g is an absurd amount of gold for a single herb.

There is absolutely no reason a BL shouldnt be 15-20g like it is on every version of the game that does BL correctly and puts it in high level nodes.