Black Lotus respawn

They’re going to keep going higher as more people are self-quarantined. I’m so glad I have banks full of black lotus from the early days of the layering exploits.

Can’t wait for flasks to hit 500 gold.

Well done, but you’ll be waiting a while. When content is on a slide, guilds require less and less flasks.

You really don’t think some people will unsub because for just ONE of their consumables that lasts an hour it will take 5 hours of farming at 50gph and will only get worse? AQ and Naxx will force people to quit because thats the starting point for requiring flasks, its better to address this problem early on ( I have 50 flasks made and on an alt ) so I am personally comfortable however I wouldn’t want to raid on my warlock who is on another account if flasks became as stated above, 500g per so ya, there is one sub accounted for it.

I don’t think Vanilla did that.

Huh? Try to get in game chat with a GM, there is no feature. They even automatized the item recovery so you dont have to talk to GMs to recover items… Use your brain.


Your server =/= all servers.

Read this:

or this:

203 votes and 149 comments so far on Reddit

Personally, I won’t be unsubbing over this. That’s not to say that others won’t. I do think it’s quite an odd reason to quit.

100% agree, but place yourself into the position of those who play weekly for a few hours a day. Wouldn’t that be reason enough for those players?

No chance I would unsub on my mage’s account and I am beyond well prepared, but if the reason I have my 2nd account with my warlock is to do another raid for my guild, and help filter loot to more mains but it costs me lets say 400g to raid AQ40 and another 600g to raid Naxx every week on my alt, there is a zero percent chance I have that account as active.

Keep telling yourself that. More and more people are going to be playing in the coming months.

I don’t need to tell myself that because I’m not betting on future markets. I’m telling you that. You don’t have to listen.

As someone who plays on the occasion, my answer remains the same.


he’s doing the forum prophet “I know what the silent majority wants” thing. Nobody else hears the silent majority but him. It’s his gift, from the Devs themselves…before they left this World they empowered him as such.

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It doesn’t take a prophet to tell you nobody’s gonna be paying 500g for a flask.

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No on is paying 500g for a flask, yet.

then they’ll raid without flasks. dps checks dont require consumable minmaxing anyway.

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Yes, now you’re agreeing with me. That was my point.

alright then. we’re good. no problems here. lotus is fine.

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Well I didn’t go as far as to say that. I’m on a super low pop server and it’s still a pain to flask (for those that have to). My original post was just telling Glinda he did a good job stockpiling all of that Lotus but I didn’t feel waiting for the price to spike to 500 was going to serve him well. Good day all.

Vanish was on cooldown.

But yeah this