Black Lotus Prices

Anyone else excited to spend an epic mount’s worth of gold each week on flasks? I’d be down for SoM lotus drops at this point.

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I too subtly suggest that vast amounts of gold are necessary to play wow and people aren’t having the FULL amount of fun possible without maybe…breaking some rules? Eh eh? know what I mean?

Like no one can spot a viral marketing campaign and pressure op, sheesh

Bliz should just sell ad space to these mooks and not show it.

Simple solutions to old problems, and yet here we are.

In silence for the 100000th time.

Luckily I have jump runs to profit on the helm of endless rage starved warriors.

but are you down for SoM difficulty in raids? :expressionless:

Yes. SoM.has literally no difficulty change between it and classic. Adding 1 mechanic to bosses that have non inst a difficulty increase. It keeps me from falling asleep. And still fails.

you mean the boss could last longer then 20 seconds? oh no

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oh no indeed :expressionless:

Just don’t buy flasks.

You are a warlock. Your DPS is irrelevant.

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