Black lotus price dropped so fast

Now that I have your attention;
Ban bots and gold sellers/buyers


But it didnt

Delete all mages from the game and 1/2 the hunters.

Now that I have YOUR attention: Arwen was Aragon’s 1st cousin (albeit many times removed)

Arwen was Elrond’s daughter, Elrond’s brother (Elros) was Aragon’s great great [… many more greats…] Grandfather (Also this elven heritage is why Aragon aged so slowly)


Chilllll dude, let them be in love

Deleting any Hunter with an unnamed pet (e.g. ‘Cat’) or a pet named with moon runes would be a good first step.

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Better dump your lotus stocks before they hit bottom

If you want the prices to drop then stop buying it. There is no content in the game right now that requires flasks.

All it will take is 24 hours—one AH cycle—for the prices to start tapering off if everyone just stops paying the crazy prices for stuff they don’t even need yet anyway.


Wise advise.


So close. The word is advice