Black Lotus Mafia Back with a Vengeance

The cost of Black Lotus is getting out of control. I get you are going for preserving the experience, but 250g flasks is not an experience that should be preserved. Give us the black lotus chance on herb nodes.

We already have dual spec, faction balance, cheaper chronoboons. Raiding should not require buying gold or having a mage alt. Not everyone plays this game like a job.


Bilzz will address this soon, they didnt allow it to get too carried away last time, and they wont this time. they do keep an eye on supply shortages.

my guess is lotus will be 30-50g soon.

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I suspect the price is that high because supply is low and demand is high. Which means people are paying 250g per lotus. If that sounds like a crazy high price to you, especially at this stage of the Anniversary realm, there’s probably different questions you should be asking… such as how do people have that much disposable income?


people are being forced by guilds to consume even at these prices for easy content.

they do whatever they need to do to get that gold.

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Pro Tip: You don’t need Flasks to complete Molten Core.


Flasks are optional in MC, but in later raids they won’t be. This problem is only going to get worse unless the devs intervene.

This BODY TYPE ONE is a witch and should be burned. :latin_cross: :fire: :latin_cross: :fire: :latin_cross: :fire: :latin_cross: :fire: :latin_cross: :fire:


try to tell that to guild leaders.

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You can’t handle this girth.


WHAT?! What is this blasphemy you speak of?!

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I’m just curious where are all these guilds that are REQUIRING flasks? They can ask you to bring them, but doesn’t mean you have to. You can do all the content without it. Hell without flask I’m still top-mid dps. It’s more of the “parsing” culture that people brought to classic that really isn’t needed in the first place.

Every C+ broccoli-top thinks they’re gonna parse themselves into an eight-figure Twitch account.


it’s 15g on the pve realm.


We all know the answer to this one…

:credit_card: :robot:


Hmm, you sure about that? When have they ever actually fixed anything?


o really bodytypeuno is your spare account you multibox the ah on

If a guild is requesting you to flask for MC (and the flasks are that expensive/unaffordable) you need to decide what’s more important to you.

There are always going to be other MC guilds.

Horde side on Nightslayer its only 117g for a black lotus

Again, flasking is optional in MC but later raids are more difficult and will require flasks.

This will be a problem if the price of flasks continues to rise due to cartels camping nodes from under the map.

250g flasks are cheap compared to what they will be when flasks are actually required.

Black lotus are currently 18g on Dreamscythe.

PvP realms . . . :roll_eyes: