Black lotus cartel

Well, depends on how long you will be crafting.

They are all megaservers… that’s the design

Yeah cause that will be the one and only thing from SoM that will be ported over?

he’s lvl 62… He will aggro about like c’thun’s eye when you peak in the door.

can’t you craft in combat though? I forget if you can/can’t.

If so just get 4 Saps to distract him long enough to craft some flasks while you shout encouraging words over your shoulder as your comrades fall before you safely hearth as the tank finally falls because the healers are OOM or dead too.

When you stare at the eye the eye stares back.

In Season of Mastery they did two things…

i) Increased the spawn rate
ii) Added it as a rare drop to high level herbs.

It is the second change that is important - because it means with the spawn spots always camped there is another way to get black lotus. The same should be done in SoD.

It already is. SoD has SoM herbing changes.

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I thought this was the case. I’m not stressing about Lotus costs, we will be fine.