Black lotus being hoarded

The price of black lotus has come right back to pre “fix” pricing.

I noticed that during the liquidation event my guildies were saying things in discord like “buying the dip”

So right now there are 29 lotus available on the auction house. the question is, how do we get more? do we increase the spawn rate again? Last time that did not work so well.

But I would argue that increaseing the spawn timer once again is the right thing to do. There will be a point when investors run out of gold and the excess supply will push price lower. This will also cause another panic and punish those who are hoarding. they will offload at a loss.

Blizzard needs to continuously punish these “investors” by giving them the shaft whenever they pump the price up so high. That is the only way to fix this problem.

This has nothing to do with botting, this is a speculative market right now, much like the US AI bubble, or the crypto bubble. no different.

An overpriced company will increase its shares and sell. So should blizzard increase lotus.

They add the SOM change.

Pretty easy fix.

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sure, or just turn the knob to make it spawn quicker. whatever way they choose they need to stop this “investing” nonsense.

blizzard themselves said it would take many months for the effects of this change to shake out :expressionless: they’re not gonna rush to adjust their fix any time soon. time to learn to live with it.

No they didn’t. They said they’d be monitoring it over the next few hours or days. And that was a week ago.

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lol no they didn’t :expressionless: link

It’s the Blue post…

said nothin about monitoring :expressionless:

Ok, that’s true. They said the respawn rate will increase over the next few hours or days.

YOU claimed that Blizzard said it would take many months for these changes to take effect. Where you getting that from?

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Since it seems like we are connected to sod already from The av debacle and since sod already has the som Black lotus change I feel like it’s easier just to add it to us.

Literally would solve everything.

They know everyone will want flasks when BWL is released. If people didn’t hoard black lotus the price increase when a new raid is released would be even more severe.


if you want SoD changes you can play SoD :expressionless:

Still waiting on a source for that claim you made.

It’s the SOM change not the sod change.

Again your opinions mean nothing, no one listens to you, you have the worst takes here


Pretty much that. Although by the time AQ releases the population should drop like it has in every instance of vanilla. There is a possibility people may overbank.

well if it’s the SoM change you definitely don’t deserve it :expressionless: not without harder raids

Hey Eyr, I’ll help you out. Repeat after me: “I made it up.”

Come on, you can do it. You’ll feel better.

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You have the worst takes.

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He is a pro gdkper

So are you.