Black Lotus and WSG Adjustments

Thanks for continuing to work on classic.

How about em 5 hour queues next

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Blizzard has likely been planning this for months. They haven’t scrapped this together in less than a week, dude.

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He farms lotus for a living obviously

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So rather than leaving the game as it was designed, you are already changing it? Why call it warcraft classic if changes are being made? Lotus are scarce because people know their value and spend the hours gathering them for themselves, for their guilds, or for sale. Original through Wrath are the absolute best times to play this game, please stop changing the original design.


because he TOTALLY doesn’t have stock in lotus, hes just posting from a bfa character because “he’s rank 13 on this char”

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I actually dont. But thanks for trying lmao

lol all the hoarders in your server suddenly comes out selling black lotuses. Thank you Blizzard for making my day.


If it’s that one I’ll be disappointed. I’d heard there were OOB spots that you could stall in forever with the flag and be untargetable so I assumed it was those.

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rofl the amount of lotus on the AH on herod just tripled


You the type of dude who bought all the sanitizer and tp first sign of corona and tried to start sellin it


What happens when the new spawn points still suck and are mega camped.

I am going to assume you are trolling at this point, but maybe you just lack critical thinking skills, this will be my last response to you on the matter, they will not reduce the server capacity any lower than they have. That makes no sense from a business perspective or a player enjoyment perspective, they would have to spin up 100 more servers and HOPE that people land on the correct servers to have decent populations on them, just to make the numbers similar to 2004/2005 for server sizes.

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This is not a reasonable argument at all.

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Isn’t that kind of the point of classic? It’s NOT to improve the game, but to give us a game that is relatively similar to what we had 15 years ago.

Essentially, Blizzard is meddling in what should be a very player-driven and organic game.

hey guys, how about the price of coke?


Ooo, I’ve never had a proper bad one used against me so just basing it off what I’ve seen. There is also maybe one above one of the flags that I’ve seen screenshots of.

I feel a great disturbance in the black lotus mafia, as if they all cried out in horror, and ran to their BFA characters to whine on the forums.


Great! Now can you please move the Horde starting Cave back in AV?!

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Actually it is.

You can’t ask for the best of both worlds. If you want the benefits of a low pop server, go to a low pop server. That’s why low pop servers stay dead and why there’s always huge queue times.

Getting rank 14 is sooo hard on a high pop server too. Wouldnt it be silly to just ask blizzard to make people R14 easier to achieve since low pop servers have less competition?

Intended to be scarce on a server size of half the population of the current.

Server size doubled?
Resources doubled? seems logical to me