Black Lotus and WSG Adjustments

Not even the same. Jump runs cant be solod by most classes and finding crystals is still RNG. Not even the same comparison when you look at RTV vs Black Lotus

RTV - you can literally find 50 nodes in a row and not find one

Black lotus - If you see it you get one. No rng


What? Not amused?


I think the Fatal out of bounds areas should Proc a 48 hour temporary character lock.

So that person takes ranking penalty for trying to cheat during their honor grind

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99s only bro. Keep acting like you haven’t lost your shorts but post on this thread all day long.

Does this mean more then 1 spawn at a time? or Just more node locations on the map? It’s going to get a lot harder to get black lotus if it is more locations, atleast with 1hr spawns and 7 or so spawn points you can do a loop. With dynamic spawns and many more locations it will still be hard to get your hands on a lotus.

I’ve practiced the jumps so I can follow people who do it, but won’t initiate any of them myself. Anything that requires someone to look up how to do it online shouldn’t be allowed. Also, if a player pet can’t get to you then you shouldn’t be able to get there either.

Jumps like this further separate people wanting to PvP casually and those who specifically focus on it, exacerbating the gear and premading problems further.

I’m happy to see the jumps gone, I’m playing to PvP, not to relive my Super Mario days.

What was happening with Lotus is the equivalent of insider trading as we know exactly what will happen and when and that knowledge is being exploited. “sImPLe EcONoMIcS”

So instead of fixing the actual problem, aka bots moving the price, or making it say you can’t see nodes when you’re dead, OR just changing the spawn locations of lotuses

you do this and keep bots around so you can profit off them and their subs, same thing with multiboxers even though it’s technically not illegal, most are even botting with that.

I guess from your companies point of view, good call, you’re keeping all the subs and making MOST people happy, i’m guessing you’re trying to get all the bots out of the real world, and into strat and other instances, farming arcane crystals and orbs, where they can’t be seen

that way you can keep their subs and people won’t complain


…Why not just make it where you can’t see them at all if your dead? Kind of an odd compromise here.


Besides this being totally counter to the classic experience, which is a large issue, the increase in spawn rate is the main thing I’m annoyed about. That only benefits larger population servers. Medium pop servers had no issues of scarcity or bots. Applying this as a fix to all server types indicates that not all server situations were looked at.

The AV map is still unbalanced beyond belief in favor of Horde.

Small/med server player here

We have bots, we have level 1 ghosts sitting on every Lotus spawn. There is a shortage and the prices were 200+ each.

This change is a godsend


fantastic change. now address AV imbalance and matchmaking so premades vs premades

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Thank you, now next up please fix layers very soon

I understand some server types had that situation, but not all. If you put in the work for it, you could find 1-2 lotus a night on our server with JUST running circuits. There’s only a couple of few people farming nearby the commonly farmed areas. Most spawns you can catch with a lucky drive-by or by using specific game functions that created a mini-game onto its own. I liked that mini-game, and it felt fair compared to your time/thought investment.

No matter, as long as they’re still scarce and not spawning like dreamfoil I don’t mind that much. We’ll still dominate the market.

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I like this change a lot more than heaving to get “lucky” and farm at odd hours to circumvent the bots. It will cripple the market enough for people looking to gouge to get hit hard while still allowing most players to afford them at a reasonable price

im a clown for wanting classic be actually be classic and not some mutated game built for millennial beta whiners.


Prior to the pandemic showed they likely launched with too many servers… Lucky for Classic a pandemic happened and caused 90% of the US to be under stay at home orders tho.

Apply this to batching.

It’s not good for the game in its current state.

Why are you on Faerlina, the server built for millenial beta whiners then? :thinking: