Black Empire State of Mind's requirements need some adjustments

Specifically, I want to talk about these two achievements:

  • It’s Not A Tumor!
  • Combating the Corruption

The first achievement just suffers from an inane and unbelievably large requirement. With the way the game works right now, even if you swap to static flight and fly around one-shotting these things, it takes forever and also becomes really tedious after awhile. Land, attack, mount up, fly to next, land, attack, mount up, fly to next, ad infinitum. I played the N’zoth content extensively and I never got past 200 kills on this achievement. It needs to be pulled back a tad. Even halving it would feel acceptable. (This isn’t even accounting for the frustration that is one-shotting mobs in the world sometimes keeping you in combat for a full 5 seconds instead of instantly dropping like they normally would if you’d aggro’d the mob first before killing it.)

Combating the Corruption suffers from an entirely different problem. The method by which these rares are spawned causes a select few of them to be massively difficult to not only spawn but kill. Now that this achievement is a known requirement, people are going to start heading back to Uldum (where three of the most problematic rares for this achievement are: Corrupted Neferset Guard, Corrupted Watcher, and to a slightly lesser extent, the Corrupted Jailer) to farm them…and now they’ll be getting one-shot instead of you maybe having a chance to find one in combat and get a tag before it dies. Re-work it or make it only require a portion of the list (similar to other, more modern rare achievements for zones).


I thought It’s Not A Tumor! wasn’t so bad on a druid, until I realized you can’t progress it after you turn in the meta quest. The corruption tumors are no longer interactive.

Combating the Corruption is a real nightmare. You can go around killing Corrupted X until the end of time, only for one to spawn across the zone and die to someone else who’s also working on the meta. This absolutely needs to be nerfed into “Kill 5/8/10/whatever of the following corrupted creatures” achieve.