Black Dragonflight Horde Reconnections

Hey man I remember seeing you around…not sure if we ever grouped up or anything but I remember you! :smiley:

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Galdin - orc warrior

I remember being in the guilds LAFF, Andacoupleofrogues, Failure

Running 10+ hour a day HWL farming groups - raiding everything except Naxx.

i still havent got my second binding :((

Ill be on OCE PvP Realm as Gàldin - id love to hear from Sayturnswrath (UD Preist) Skittlz (UD Mage) Namahscro (ORC Shammy) Deadtree (UD Preist)

Fnfal - remember when you kicked out most of the good guild members to feed that one chick, who had no idea how to play, Molten Core epics. Did you ever go and hook up with her?

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Hey everybody, My name was Gendor and Onental.

Celestial Mischief guild
leader Squekim ort something


Old School

is Obi out there?

Hey everyone!

I was Booky - Troll Priest in East Coast Lawnmowers, etc.!

Hi old school BDF.

I’m looking to connect with old Failure and Wicked Mojo people.

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Galdin, nice to hear from someone else who was in LAFF, my warrior was also in the one binding club :roll_eyes:. You brought up a bunch of names I had forgotten. I remember Skittlz sounding like he was 12 years old on vent, and Namahscro was a great dude.

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Do you remember that one guy Narchy, sitting lookout at LM in AB spam - i recall the scream of ‘INC LM LOTS’, followed by the very clear sound of bubbling water over vent!

Or that player farsight glitching through the AB starting gate and capping Farm/BS/Stabs before the game started!

Fun times.

what server are you going to be on?

ill make a character on that server and find you guys, gonna be rolling horde again i assume?

Trox (Overrated) here!

Small group of old overrated raiders and old friends playing on Grobbulous for classic! Even if you’ve already made plans, would be cool to catch up with you all!

We won’t be as hardcore as we used to :wink: but excited about hitting it.

ktav#1912 anytime


I’m looking for Durotar.

Is this Durotar?

Can someone direct me to Durotar?

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omg it you

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Oh my god, the legends were true, it’s Undad

SlowRoll ( Overrated )

Whos back? Clock Seth Buck?

Love to catch up also we spent way to much time togather in past.

Company of Wolves!
There are still a few of us apparently! Its cool to see the old names again, and the other BDF guilds. It’s really taking me back.

I was Laggnwagon, Tauren resto Shaman.

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Kotten Blood elf Hunter

I was an Orc Prot Warrior named Fugg. I was in a couple of raiding guilds guilds but we sucked for the most part. I got pretty close with a couple of people, feel free to hit me up. Fuggalugg#1714

Hi, I was Treadle, Undead Rogue in <Retrospect> and I’m playing on Sulfuras now.