I started playing in BC and was in a guild called Crimson Ghost. I had 4 characters I played.
Waterbucket / Gnome Warlock
Syrex / Gnome Rogue
Velios / Human Priest
Rejecht / Human Paladin
Around the start of Wrath I transferred all characters to a guild called Lawn Pirates where I remained until the guild eventually transferred and phased out.
Im late to the party, but i remember you from general chat in storm peaks in wrath. You and some guy named Wifeaggro chatting. No idea why it stuck in my mind for so long lol. I actually made a toon named Busdriver in SWTOR just because i thought the name was funny.
Neilthegreat - was in a few guilds, Defiance, Knights of Virtue (lol). Only active end of TBC through WotLK.
Thothscience Nelf hunter
Guild Blood Red Skies
Shifthapenz - played resto druid on BDF in the final 2 wrath phases primarily in TBA that made a big push from being a mediocre guild. Our pinnacle was an early PP heroic kill that jumped us to top 50 US ranking for a short time. At the end of wrath we combined with a horde guild a killed HLK 25 man before it fell apart. If the old GM is out there (Arthalion) I feel like I owe that guy for keeping us all together back then.
I raided with Lawn Pirates as their holy paladin on weekends with Monstajava
Now that classic wrath is over I missed the boat on extensive raiding but I did get in some raiding before the ICC buff got too high over on Benediction.