Blizzard could you please make a solid black dragon mount (not cloud serpent. We already have those)?
I think they would be beautiful, and I would love to see one at the store or an available mount drop for reputation or world boss would be awesome.
Dropped by Onyxia.
omg that’s a beautiful one.
That particular model is 100% exclusive to the Shadowlands Gladiator mounts if I’m not mistaken.
You are correct. It’s the Sinful Gladiator’s Soul Eater. The Unchained version has blue eyes and more metallic looking armor. But so far it looks like they’re the only SL dragon mounts with that design.
Yes please do this thank you.
Wouldn’t hurt to make some unarmored ones for non pvp related stuff
One of my favorite mounts. Gorgeous, and I hated killing Onyxia.
Its certainly beautiful. However I am a pve player.
I have those two. I never figured out why they called that drake a “black” drake though. I always enjoyed getting the Netherwing drakes.
The great part about farming Onyxia now is that with DBM turned on, you get to hear the crazy screaming European guy do his meme voice lines.
lol I’ll have to go back in there to hear that.
This is kind of what I would hope Blizzard would make.
Black dragon