Black Box on World Map

I admit I’m feeling a little stumped on this little quandary, so this is my last-ditch effort to find out what it is before I just suck it up.

Anyone know what that darn box comes from? I’ve purged a great many defunct addons and plugins I haven’t used in years, all that’s left are ones I use in some form or another.

I’ve scoured all the rest for their various options and I’m almost certain it’s something I’ve overlooked somehow, I just can’t seem to find it. I’m 95% certain it’s an ElvUI setting, it just… eludes me.

/fstack then mouse over it and get the names of the frames. Should point you in the direction of the addon that’s adding it.

If you’re still stumped post a screenshot of the frame stack.

It looks like you have two overlapping possibly HandyNotes/QuestTracker type addons.

While it didn’t help directly, it certainly was useful in pointing me in another direction than I was looking, many thanks for that! And it’s definitely nice to have another command enter the challenger’s ring if things like this pop up again.

It was a tracking addon, just nothing that was at conflict which is what stumped me the most. Just an old, unmaintained widget that, while still updated, didn’t seem to keep in line with compatibility.

Culprit has been located and summarily excised, now just to find a replacement.

Thank you both!

what was the culprit?