If you use Black Arrow as a hunter as a first global on something, it will go on cooldown but not actually do anything. Doesn’t register in the combat log and does no damage.
Considering this is an ability that can only be used on targets above 80% and below 20% (outside of procs), this is a real problem.
Even if you get a proc and target a fresh enemy who’s at 100% with it and not in combat, it still won’t do anything and go on cooldown.
I don’t remember this happening last week but was testing it for the past 10 minutes just now and can replicate it 100% of the time.
Please try to do more testing before putting patches out; the amount of bugs this expansion is really just ridiculous.
EDIT: Upon further review, it has to do with the mob being in combat, not you. If the mob is in combat with someone else, but you’re not in combat, Black Arrow works just fine. Still—definitely broken.
It has to do with being in combat for whatever reason. If you engage in combat with a mob by just … being close enough to it that it aggros and THEN cast Black Arrow, it will function. Otherwise, like you said, nothing happens except an autoshot (Bleak Arrow).
Definitely broken.
Kinda painful if you want to use it in the wild, guess people cannot choose to level up with DR right now.
This issue is likely related to their attempt to fix Withering Fire pulling mobs that aren’t in combat with the three Deathblow-procced Black Arrows when there aren’t enough nearby enemies already in combat.
It should be simple enough to make the check only occur if Withering Fire is active.
Same. Upon initial shot of combat, neither myself nor the target are in combat, no initial damage for Black Arrow. It only applies the DoT.
Just noticed this myself. Using Black Arrow as my first move to start combat does a minuscule amount of damage and does not apply the DoT, but still goes on cooldown.
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“Using Black Arrow as my first move to start combat does a minuscule amount of damage and does not apply the DoT, but still goes on cooldown.”
Same, instead of 119k, it does 18k, after that first free shot and no dot or other effects are applied to the attack.
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I just noticed this out farming on my hunter alt. The first out-of-combat global with black arrow does nothing and puts the ability on CD. I PVP on my hunter mainly, so now I figure I’ve been losing a ton of DPS because of this.
This is unreal. There is just zero testing at all at Blizzard.
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Even if I’m sentinel, a kill shot proc on a new target does the same thing. Puts me and target in combat, KS on cooldown, but no damage. Additional information: On a KS proc and new target, if I do other damage first…say Arcane Shot, KS does damage correctly.
Bump, please hotfix yesterday. Insane bug
This getting fixed would be great so we can actually open with Black Arrow.
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I think the same thing is happening with Wailing Arrow. I swear I opened on a random mob w/ Wailing and it did nothing.
This is pretty gamebreaking for hunters that you can’t open w/ Black Arrow. Needs priority fixing.
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