Birthdays, Bags, and currencies

US, Bladefist, Stormdancer

Why is it that you can not find the character create date? That should be the character birthday. I requested ( through the proper channels) my account information. There is a lot of information provided. but it only goes back to 2009? I’ve been playing since 2005…

I keep getting larger and larger bags but it is still not big enough for all the mats, undeletable items and currencies. Why are there items that can NOT be sold, dropped, or deleted? They are clogging up valuable bank space. The bank space for bags only has so many slots (personal) and so many tabs (guild). Will there be an additional line for more slots or tabs?

A tab was added to the character view, right next to the reputation tab. The currencies I have listed there are four and a half screens long. On the bottom under “Unused” are my Tol Barad Commendations. If this can be that long why can’t it also hold all of the Crests, Barter Bricks, Barter Boulders, Dreamsurge Coalescences (both types), etc.?

After Playing for nearly 18 years, in a guild and out of a guild I still like most of WOW! However there are some things that really bite! I may not know the game that well, but I know when things aren’t as good as they could be. I will be applying to the Community Council to hopefully provide a different point of view.