Birthday Awards

There are no birthday awards. As much as I would like the Invincable mount or any first raid/dungeon/rare mount drop for my birthday, maybe thats not feesable. So here’s the alternative: I request a balloon boquet of how many years i turn. And this needs to be applied for everyone. Thank you.


I was born every day of the year, now gimme them rewards.

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You know you saying that, reminds me of this older gentleman that used to live up the road from us. Everyday was his birthday, and he would have cake everyday. If I remember right, he had dementia but it was a wholesome experience.

All the guy wanted was for people to come over and spend time with him and his wife. He’s passed away since then, but yeah you saying that reminded me of that.

I kinda like that idea, but we should get it mailed to us with an in game card too! I think that would be fun.

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Yes include a card in the mail! Very authentic and memerable



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I got birthday emails from my dentist, local radio station, and nintendo; but nothing from blizzard yet.


What about unbirthdays?


I’ve also gotten a birthday card from my dentist which was surprising, but cute.

But back to the topic - I think that it would be really fun to have some kind of birthday event! Balloons are a perfect idea :balloon: :balloon: :balloon: and I love the idea of having them come in the mail with a card, maybe we can get some cake as well :cake:

Yes cake too! Something with sprinkles!

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oh another one , oh good,keep them coming.