Binding of Binding bug

Hello everyone, today and yesterday i did a 13 nw and a 12 cot, i was checking on my dps meters and i found out my binding of binding did not proc once.
Is there something im missing out?
Do i have to have someone linked for it to work?
I have tried to proc it while on dummies and it works just fine, but somehow, it just doesnt proc on m+.
Has anyone experience a similar bug?

Havent used it, but tge tooltip sort of assumes you have a targetted ally to use it on.
And they have to have coloured gems.

It could also be a thing where another party member has to have the ring equipped to get the buff. Since you two would be bonded by the ring

The proc is supposed to target a random party member if your bound ally isn’t present. However, if you are in a group of players who have zero colored gems equipped (the Algari Diamonds don’t count for this proc, similar to how they don’t count for their own bonus effects), you may not see a proc.

I find it highly unlikely you were in a 12 and 13 with players that had zero gems, however, so it’s very possible that it’s bugged since the patch or even since launch.