Binding dragonriding spells conditionally to normal macros

Complete macro noob here, quick question. I’m trying to create a macro where if I’m not mounted, it uses Thunder Clap, but if I am it’ll use Surge Forward. Basically a deliberate recreation of the default setup, where your first actionbar is replaced by a new bar that just has the four dragonriding spells. That stopped working for me today as anything on the first bar no longer casts when I press the keybind, though clicking the spells works. Doing a /reload fixes it for a bit, but will always re-break upon entering an instance so I figured I’d try a macro workaround.

The wiki has [mounted] listed as a conditional, but I couldn’t figure out how to get this working.

/cast [mounted] Surge Forward; Thunder Clap
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/cast [mounted]Surge Forward; Azure Strike(Blue);

Tried this and just get Soar’s “Surge Forward” when mounted, not Dragonridings…

According to a 21-day-old post on Reddit, the “dragonridable” conditional is usable but buggy for some people, and completely unusable for others (me included). In fact, it gives me an “Unknown macro option” error when I save a macro using it, while “dragonriding” does not (but also does not seem to function). My current workaround is

/cast [nocombat] Surge Forward; Eye Beam

which works for me because Eye Beam is a spender and I would usually not start combat with it, but of course ymmv based on what combat ability you use and whether or not you’re going into combat while riding, which can be annoying if you’re doing dragon races.

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There is no “dragonridable” conditional.

Macros that appear to work with it are doing so with a default value there and giving an error.

Here’s mine, change Flap to whatever your slowfall/speedy spell is.

/cast [mod:ctrl,flying]Surge Forward;[mod:shift,flying] Whirling Surge; [mod:ctrl,noflying] Highland Drake; [mod:ctrl][nomounted,outdoors]Highland Drake; [mounted]Skyward Ascent; Flap;

/cast [mounted] Surge Forward(Dragonriding); Azure Strike(Blue)
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What a strange format… I don’t think I’ve seen a macro like that before, but it works! Thank you! But also… /why/ does it work? And what is the significance of ‘(Blue)’? It breaks the macro on my druid, so it must be an evoker thing? I haven’t played around with my evoker much.

You’ll see grey subtext on spells that denotes the spell school or something to that effect. You can see it on druids with your shapeshift abilities, they have “shapeshift”. It just provides additional specificity to the spell. It’s generally not required but can be helpful in situations where you have 2 spells with the same name (like dragon riding abilties vs evoker soar abilities), if you have items that match a spell name (see the Horn of Winter item from Legion), or if a macro sometimes tries to cast the passive version of a spell (happens regularly with Bear Form).