Billy Mays has been dead for 10 years

It was one of those “I remember where I was” moments, I heard the bad news here on the WoW forums.

I’ll tell you one thing, if Billy was around to sell the store mounts today, there’d be a helluva lot less saltiness on this forum.

uh… who?

I’ve been waiting, but there’s still no more.

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If you like WoW, well let me tell you about the new amazing Shamwow!


Got an annoying stain on your wow forums that just won’t go away no matter how many times you report it? Fight no more, WITH OXYCLEAN!

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Alright so the guy was cool but an “I remember where I was moment”? I think in my lifetime there have 2 events that were appropriate to use that phrase with: The OJ chase and the ensuing insanity and the 9/11 attacks. I’m not trying to flame but we play fast and loose with so many words now, lets not make this another one of those meaningless phrases.

I knew this post was going to be a little too deep of a cut from the forum meme vaults :joy:

No I’m serious, Billy was a meme god at the time and his YTPs were hilarious.

I remember where my PC was and I remember realizing the bad news in the morning, it was the WOTLK era and Starcraft II’s closed Beta was just weeks away.

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I find it funny how they hired and actor to do that sealant stuff and try to make him look exactly like Billy. Blue shirt, beard and all.

And the flex seal meme was born. Maybe I should make a Billy Mays transmog for good luck.

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