Bilescourge bomber or Demonic Strength

which is better for someone just playing casually or does it matter?

in my opinion you always pick demonic strength.

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yeah…kind figuring that out after I posted, lol. The other is kinda wonky

Bilescourge is great when you want to tag a lot of mobs (like the end of Superbloom) and, given it has no shard cost and half the cooldown of Demonic Strength, it’s also fun for taking out trash-mobs in Raids and Dungeons.
For single-target and cleave, Demonic Strength is best.

It really just comes down to how you want to play.
Personally, I use Bilescourge for open-world and Demonic Strength for Raid bosses.


Fun fact. There is a talent in the spec tree that even if you talentnibto demonic strength still procs bombers.