Biggest one handed sword?

Sometimes I wish this game was like DAOC, where any class could be any race but your starting stats as a race actually mattered so people who min-max’d would only play a Hobbit Armsman if they were trolling. You’d play a Highlander or a Half-Ogre, maybe an Albion if you wanted to be more well-rounded, but you wouldn’t play an Half-Elf or a Hobbit because you actually cared about your strength and constitution.

Biggest shield I know of is the hidden warrior Legion artifact appearance you can still obtain.
There’s also the BC Season 3 PvP shield / Sunwell shield from Brutalis.

Or if you have the CM achievements from WoD that aren’t obtainable anymore, there’s the Furnace of the Great Machine.

1 handed weapon, likely Thunderfury.

There’s a level 70 sword that’s bigger than most two handers that’s classified as a one hander.

Sword of Sargeras? :sunglasses:

Ok, ok I’m leaving.


You were supposed to say, “I think there’s one in Silithus…”

…probably a two-hander, though…

That’s a two-hander. They’re asking about one handers.

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Even says it in the title, I skipped my coffee this morning, that’s my excuse anyway.

Sargeras sword clearly

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Ok, looks like it is a one-hander…

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The prot artifact hidden appearance is pretty silly.

by wow proportions it could be a dagger

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Bulwark of Azzinoth from BT or the Elementium Reinforced Bulwark from BWL would by my picks for a shield.

For a sword… I’d probably go with either Maladath, Runed Blade of the Black Flight (also from BWL) or Gleaming Quel’serrar from Onyxia. King’s Defender from Kara would also be a good pick.

Greatsword of Horrid Dreams

It’s a one-hand that’s the size of a two-hand. Drops from Murmur in Shadow Labs

If you want a more low profile long sword go with Greatsword of horrid dreams, it looks like Baron Rivendare’s 2h

Its not a sword but…Crimson Cranium Crusher…is a one hand HUGE mace, I think its what you’re looking for.

I rather enjoy the silent crusader but it doesn’t blend in very well with anything. I like it for the absurdity