I rolled a Vulpera warrior, now I just need a massive sword and shield that looks ridiculous.
I think it has to be Thunderfury.
Yeh but damn, something easy to farm would be nice.
biggest shield award still goes to that blood elf shield in sunwell (or its pvp variant)
Wasnt there is a MASSIVE shield from black temple?
Bulwark of Azzinoth
Still to this day the greatest shield Blizz has introduced.
Oh yeh got the PVP one, thanks for the suggestion.
Talon of Azshara, Burnished Quel’Serrar, Iron Soldier’s Saber, Ghoulslicer are some I remember off the top of my head.
those big rectangle swords from northrend
Silent Crusader for sure. Bigger than some 2h swords. But personally I think it looks stupid.
I would say the movie promo sword and shield but you’re Horde
As for largest one-handed sword model… biggest I can think of off the top of my head would be Red Sword of Courage. Drops off of Ymiron in Utgarde Pinnacle.
I’d honestly go with Bulwark of Azzinoth for your shield. Not sure about the 1h though, there’s a lot of options. Silent Crusader is absolutely gigantic, and there’s some simple ones from Northrend that are huge as well.
download mogit, i’m not sure how they’d look on a vulpera since pallies can’t be vulpera
It’s a spiky thermos that got cut in half. What sick alternate reality are you living in there that’s the best shield in the game?
What’s that big old broken sword I’ve seen some people mog?
Here are some of my votes (and yes, I did include the Sword of 1000 Truths. lol):
I think Talon is a good one. Few people suggested it.
Bulwark of Azzinoth is overhyped garbage. Every shield in Naxx is so much better. Skulls > spikes.
Look through Sunwell Plateau. Bunch of goofy looking long 1-H swords. Other BC raids (BT, SSC, TK) also have some good ones as well.