Biggest Edgelord?

11/12/2018 11:17 AMPosted by Irridan
11/12/2018 10:44 AMPosted by Thôrbadin
Ask yourself this: when DH became a playable class, how many players called themselves "Illidean", "Illllllidan", and stupid stuff like that?

What are you talking about? I've never heard of anyone doing such a thing.

Seriously? That's odd, I came across dozens of tryhards with those nicknames. We used to joke all the time in my guild about it. Even the guy at Dark Legacy comics made fun of it. 0o
I am Lillian Felheart; Reaper of demons and dismantler of Internet Tough Guys. Y'all are not prepared for this level of cuteness.

I think I win cutest edgelord at the least ^^
nathanos, cause he's a real life edgelord's self-insert.
Forum posters have both of them beat by a mile. :)
Illidan is dripping with edge. Nathanos is just a tool.
Illidan by a country mile.

Nathanos was thrust into his state of being unwillingly. No matter how big of a prolapsed !@#$%^-*! he may be now, now matter how much of it may be his fault, at the core of the snide amoral Sylvanas worshiper, the core of his current identity is "victim".

Illidan, meanwhile, chose his path openly, willingly, and knowingly. Even if Nathanos gets 0 sympathy, Illidan gets negative sympathy. Any attempts at sympathy only come from jarring out of place retcons that try and completely fail to justify him as a character in every way. This is a hallmark of the edgelord.

Nathanos might be (have become, he's been in the game since Vanilla so who can say?) some developer's "personal" character, but I'm willing to bet Illidan is some dev's bishy, and that... No. No no no. No no no no no no no.

Turalyon should have vaporized him alongside Xe'ra.
11/12/2018 11:17 AMPosted by Irridan
11/12/2018 10:44 AMPosted by Thôrbadin
Ask yourself this: when DH became a playable class, how many players called themselves "Illidean", "Illllllidan", and stupid stuff like that?

What are you talking about? I've never heard of anyone doing such a thing.

This guys knows what he's talking about.
Winner gets Sylvanas.