Biggest Edgelord?

Illidan takes the cake, the says something to the effect of “the FEL MAGIC makes this cake dark and evil”
You gotta be pretty damned edgy to be able to just hop on in out of no where and write yourself into the middle of a story though.
11/12/2018 10:17 AMPosted by Saltzfyre
Who is the bigger Edgelord in WoW?

Illidan or Nathanos?

Illidan by far.

But Nathanos is getting there. Only Illidan was anoying cause he was a massive Mary Sue who was always right about everything and had everything evil he did in the past retconed or whitewashed.

Now Nathanos is anoying cause he's just a prick towards our characters, he's a major boot licker and he's an obvious self insert of one of the writters who's doing stuff he's not even close to be powerful enough to pull it facing Tyrande as the living avatar of Elune's wrath and making out alive and unharmed.
I dislike Nathanos a lot but he's got nothing on Emoidan's constipated grunting monologues. Even his WQ's about murloc's strives to be edgy
11/12/2018 10:44 AMPosted by Thôrbadin
Ask yourself this: when DH became a playable class, how many players called themselves "Illidean", "Illllllidan", and stupid stuff like that?

What are you talking about? I've never heard of anyone doing such a thing.
Illidan. He's the most interesting man in the world of edgelords. Nathanos is just a glorified consort.
Illidan is hands down the Edgelord King, I mean all his followers are whiny babies who have to constantly remind you about how much they have sacrificed, they clearly learned that from Illidan.

Nathanos is just a cringe filled character who is a self-insert for the developer to be with his undead waifu, as well as be a Mary Sue who can take on basically Super Saiyan Tyrande and not get his !@# handed to him. It's $%^-ty writing and really annoying, but he isn't an edgelord.
Anyone who plays a DK or DH.
11/12/2018 11:22 AMPosted by Limelight
Anyone who plays a DK or DH.

Typical Human Paladin...
Nathanos is more of a fedoralord than an edgelord. He just has an unwarrantedly large ego and does whatever the girl he has a crush on tells him to do. Illidan was fully committed to the edgelord lifestyle.

edge = sharp/pointy
lord=power over others.


Kargath Bladefist is confirmed edglord as he has blades for hands
I AM my scars!

Feel the hatred of ten thousand years!

I will not be touched by rabble such as you!

Not even close, bra.
11/12/2018 10:39 AMPosted by Shadøw
Between Shadow the Edgehog and Illidan who's edgier?

I think Illidan is. Shadow is so over the top that it kinda ruins his edginess, whereas with Illidan it comes as completely genuine.

That term is stupid, and shouldn't be applied to anything anymore.
11/12/2018 10:34 AMPosted by Spiçy
Neither. I dont think you know what an edgelord is

What's an edgelord?
11/12/2018 11:53 AMPosted by Snowslight
11/12/2018 10:34 AMPosted by Spiçy
Neither. I dont think you know what an edgelord is

What's an edgelord?

A male Blood Elf paladin.
Forum Posters.

But not so much maybe, soon...
Neither, it's the people who say, "Bye." to quit threads.
Sylvanas is super edgelord + !@#$, is a deadly combination for popularity.