Ok this has gotten out of hand. People are constantly using my $90 Gilded Trader AH Mount. Checking your mail I can let slide BUT GETTING RICH OFF ME ON THE AH is a whole other ball of wax! I DO NOT consent to you freeloaders using my 90$ mount. I paid for it. It is not right if other players use it against my will. Hopefully Blizz can patch this to be personal use only. $90 is a lot of money for me. Whaddu I look like some kinda CHARITY!? 90$ is equivalent to 7 hrs of work or 137 feet pics for most people and its not right plain and simple for me to put in the work and get this thing only to have people who are way better at playing the AH than me use it. Please patch this asap- thank you.
Get over it.
I cant. Its my hill…my legacy
meh…when im idle I just leave the bruto up for others to use.
When Im done, theyre done. Not a big deal if youre not choosing to stand there waiting till theyve finished window shopping.
i have gotten nasty whispers in the past for shutting down my yak, lol.
That chldishness isnt going to be tolerated. If they need it so bad, they can buy one themselves.
Just use it real quick and start running around in circles all over the place. That’ll get em!
Dismount or kick the npcs off. Problem solved.
I just choked on my with
As a freeloader, thank you sir for spending rl money I’m not willing to spend.
OK OK OK…I have another idea since yall FL’s (freeloaders) are unwilling to back down. Blizz…just give me a reasonable cut of each AH item they list using my mount. I’d say 50/50 is fair.
I can’t believe this is actually a problem worth posting about. Just go to your garrison. No one will be there.
You should only use it at the top of a mountain in Kun Lai summit. No one will freeload then.
I actually feel bad recalling the mount when people are using it, so I always tell them I’m going to log off in 5 minutes. It might be because I used to have my own vendors in Star Wars Galaxies, and it costs nothing to be kind.
Oh, like on top of Serenity Peak.
/That’s the spot
use it in the lava pools in shadowmoon valley.
Whatever, just don’t stand on top of a mail box while mounted on a giant mount that has one…
Mount up on it and eject the vendors.
The amount of people who don’t seem to realize this is a joke post concerns me.
Don’t use the AH mount in capital cities where the AH already exists?
Use it in the world near a mailbox.
This one always boggled my mind. lol
Yup, I’m gonna start farming baby spice again.