Big or small mounts?

Do you prefer super large mounts or smaller ones? I personally like the small ones because they just feel and look better to ride on and you don’t have this giant thing in the middle of your screen.

Also I always got stuck on things with bigger mounts and can’t fit through doorways.

I like bigger ones because they can make zones feel full even when it’s just like 10 or 15 players. But the variety is good.

I have a comfortable keybind to mount/dismount so I usually just dismount before going through smallish doors.


Standard size I guess. Hippogryphs, Wolf Hawks, Cats, Horses, Gryphon sized.

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I typically stick with something standard. Often I ride Coursers.

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If I play a small character, I use a small mount. The big guys get the big mounts…

But my favorite go-to mount is still the Lightforged Warframe

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I’ve been growing rather fond of smaller mounts.


smaller for actually using.
I love the big ones to prance around in, but I dont use them day to day.

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I like medium size mounts for this character small one my rogue which look cute .The big one maybe for my warrior seem right.

I want to emulate Starscourge Radahan’s relationship with his horse.

Depends on the character to be honest. But for a long time my fav mount was the pandaria disc. Cos it was barely visible. Id LOVE to have a year round version of the halloween broom. Even if its not instacast.

I like a nice medium sized mount. My Troll main looks ridiculous on smaller mounts. The huge ones are awful, just makes you feel like the mount is going slower than it is, although I do use a good amount of Proto-Drakes for flying.

My favorites are the Mechagon wheel, Nazjatar Crab, Gold Hand mount from the Maw meta, White Hawkstrider, among others.

The only thing I dislike about larger mounts is actually having to dismount in order to enter places. On smaller mounts you can sort of zoom right into buildings or caves and you dismount a tiny bit afterwards and it feels good to do that.

I’d rather be on a smaller mount for that reason. But bigger mounts are beautiful as well! There is definitely times I want to ride on a big mount for the fun of it.

Whatever fits through doors.

I am now picturing myself riding on the shoulders of a Kul Tiran, as a mount, and hitting the door frame. xD

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I remember male Draenei looking funny on some mounts. Like, the mounts themselves weren’t scaled big enough so you’d have this fridge riding around on a little tiny horse or something.

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Yeah, even the Elekk are kinda small for them but too big for doorways.

I like smaller mounts so I can still see my character when riding them. I especially like things like the discs we can stand on. Ideally I’d like to see a mount that puts a Dalaran-esque bubble around us and uses the hover animations from Levitate.

My Warlock & Paladin use flying wingless horses, my druid uses flight/cheetah form, and my shaman uses the Cobalt Netherwing Drake/Trained Silverpelt.

So aside from the Netherwing Drake, I primarily use smaller mounts.

Depends on the mog.

Great drip = dps gainz


I wish they had more small mounts. I much prefer flying on a smaller mount. So much easier to land in precise locations. My ultimate mount dream is a mount version of the anti-grav pack from Mechagon. Just let me fly, basically, as my character, especially since most of my characters are engineers and it would fit the theme.

Edit: Actually, my ultimate ultimate mount dream would be for WoW to add the WildStar hoverboards and let them fly.