Big L to the defenders of Gitgud

Please stop like for real. You think we are always trolling.

But these changes are going to make it harder for groups? Nothing for solo players.
Sooo… if you were struggling you still need to gitgud…? Even more so now, you cant pair up and cheese it.

Unless I’m confused as to what you’re implying here.

these changes change nothing about what people was complaining about. It actually only addresses the group issue which is going to make the group thing slightly more challenging so if anything. This was just blizzard telling people that group they also need to get good.

That said, I’m sure more tuning will come after people actually reach the recommended item level and proper assessment of difficulty can actually be made.

Or as Xal’atath would say it.

“This changes nothing”

It’s apparently also (inadvertently?) changed solo scaling too.

This terrifies me, did it get harder? Was already struggling a bit but was manageable.

It sounds like the solo experience is the difficulty level they were intending, and they’re trying to bring the group difficulty up to that. Probably not what a lot of people were wanting to hear.

I suspect not but it’s what I expected to hear aside from some specific classes struggling I think they was mostly fine where they was. I was doing tier 8 slightly under geared and I consider myself a “Bad” Not saying it was easy by any means I had to trial and error and learn a lot… But that is what progression is suppose to be.


Perfect just stick your fingers in your ears and hang on to the seat of your pants guys that what people want to see from your billion dollar business

From what I’ve read on the other thread, attacks that would normally do significant damage are now just one shotting people. I’ll have to do my own testing when I get home. I know that after reaching ~585 ilvl off my first day of them, solo tier 8s felt pretty relaxed last night. So I have a pretty good point of comparison.

Sad, guess i’ll just have to gear better and try harder. I was good with the current difficulty didn’t feel it needed a jump hopefully it was accidental and fixed.

just tested with an earthcrawl tier 8 as dps solo. Felt mostly the same aside from the new random side bosses that spawn. Some things did do a little more damage but not much, more, things seem to be dying a lot faster though so health decreased maybe?