Big Iron Fishing Pole


I don’t know how many of these things I’ve opened, but I got at least 55 shell fish, 15 pairs of boots, 2 rusted engineering parts, and 87 makrura five levels higher than me.

Seriously, those traps attract more Tauren-sized lobsters than they do shellfish. No wonder that troll is willing to pay 11 silver per shellfish.


You people live for BIS this and BIS that.

BIS fishing pole ?

As a horde you do not need to do this. You can get a better fishing pole. You can get " Nat Pagle’s Extreme Angler FC-5000" from doing the quest “Snapjaws, Mon!” in the hinterlands. This is much better for you, no need to spend so much time getting the Big Iron Fishing Pole when you can get a better one using a simple quest.

Repeatable? What? Then why do my (alliance) shellfish never sell on the cross-faction AH? A hordie could make a fortune buying infinite stacks for sale at 20s a stack.

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It’s a pain to make it out to the cross-faction AH and most people aren’t willing to go for it to check for something that might not even be there.

Try posting about it on your server forum or server discord, to make sure that people know.

I was thinking about doing this but it seems to me that no hordie would ever look for this. So it seems like they will never buy the auctions.

117 cages to get my first one. Probably two hours over a couple sessions while questing in Desolace

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I don’t know how many cages, but it took me 5 hours or so to get mine.

Also it IS the BiS fishing pole right now because according to some sources, the STV Fishing Extravaganza won’t be available until Phase 4.

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My buddy also got one in the first few traps. He hadn’t even trained fishing yet, so I was like hey man let me have the pole and he was like NO GET YOUR OWN.

So I opened dozens and dozens of traps and eventually got one, probably around 67 like the OP.


Had you waited till you’re 47 or so you could have got the real BiS one in Hinterlands.

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Thanks for the tip!

I was in the mid-30’s at the time so Hinterlands was a little out of my reach. But I’ll make sure we hit up that quest in a few levels when we go to Hinterlands.

Never realized till now that Alliance get shafted on the fishing poll like that… and it only has +20 when horde has a easy quest that rewards a +25 poll lol.

Edit* how much dose it averagely sell for on the AH?

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I got this on my first trap. Sold it for 3g. AH had about 30 selling for silver…

it’s a 1.5% drop rate right beside a busy horde village and only sells for that much on allaince ah? dam

I farmed for like an hour. I never attacked any horde unless they attacked me first. I killed the same hunter 3 times before he learned his lesson, and yes it took him 3 tries to realize the same results.

I then went to the booty bay auction house and bought the fishing pole for 4gold.
They are now going for 25 gold on the neutral ah and 21 gold on the alliance auction house.
I call that success


I’m going to guess this is on the Horde AH, not the Alliance one. Since Horde can get better from a quest and Alliance only gets the Big Iron until the Fishing Derby comes out.

I have not gotten the pole yet in classic, but I do so remember getting it in vanilla.

My son, bless his heart, was over the level for the area, and I was not on level yet, only 30. He and I both loved fishing, in real life and in game, and he got me to the places I needed to be to fish as I leveled.

And he did the same with the trip to desolace. He had gotten his pole quite fast actually, and I think he thought they were a easy drop after that, and said come on mom, lets go get you that pole. It won’t take long.

Famous last words naturally. 8+ hours later, and exhausting my supply of water breathing potions, I finally got the pole, forgot to rise to the surface and promptly drowned as soon as I looted it.

Best feeling in the world.

but yeah, that took for e v e r! He was around lvl 50 at the time, so the makura’s were no issue for him to kill. Not on a pvp server, so we didn’t have the added pvp to deal with thankfully.


My brother got two in 20 minutes so we each have one.

I now realize how lucky that actually was.

I got one from the very first trap I opened. Just sat there for a moment in awe. Then I remembered that I’m Horde, which took the wind out of my sail. It’s been up on the neutral AH 3 times unsuccessfully.

I think it is so cool that they allowed stuff like this in vanilla. I don’t care so much about balance. Cool stuff comes higher on my list.

They probably didn’t realize how much harder fishing is for the alliance, when making the game. But that is fine, I enjoy the difference between alliance and horde.

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