Big frost dk changes coming feb 7! (no kidding this time)

You can’t cleave in Death and Decay if the target is out of melee reach. That’s what Amarlly is saying.

I get that - but if you can judge the tanks line of fire (since lots of dungeons are linear hallways) - you’ve got about 2 DnD widths that you can still cleave in

But if you can’t…

It’s exactly what was said. They complained about tanks moving out of d&d and i gave an explanation as to why they might move them.

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I wish they would just stop pushing the Death and Decay sh-t. The management is a huge pain, especially in PvP setups for Pillar of Frost. Even unholy ground is uncomfortable to use on fights like Kurog and Sennarth.

The buff to cleaving strikes is too good to pass up so I’m going to use it but damn it I hate it.


If they would just give DnD some QoL, it wouldn’t be so bad. There’s already a thread dedicated to trying to make the spell less clunky and old school, such as ideas like removing it from the GCD, placing it under the target or the DK, making it an AoE Aura like RW, making it bigger, etcetera etcetera. Just about any of these ideas would help.

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I believe there is a macro for this, at least for placing it under the dk. I personally don’t use it because i like to control where it goes but i think the icy veins guide has that macro.


That’s right, I forgot about that. Thanks for reminding everyone I’m definitely going to use it


Everyone in here talking about 250k oblit, feels like that may only be doable with a puzzle box. I was hitting a target dummy last night and with pillar and dnd they were cleaving about 120-140k max

That is not what was said because they even explained the situation.

Go talk to them not me. Its almost like you replied to me just to start something. Is that what you did?

You can’t place ground affect abilities under target anymore.

Only under yourself [@player] or at your mouse [@cursor].

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Lol, this dude thinks he’s gonna make you talk to every random pug tank and they’ll oblige for you.

Sorry, what was I thinking. I know you guys like to come on the forums and complain and request Blizzard to fix your problems instead of communicating to someone nicely about not moving mobs out of DnD after 2 of them die.

The horror of not being able to complain that Cleaving Strikes isnt a part of Remorseless Winter, the horror of Frostscythe not being an aoe nuke that does 10000% extra damage, the horror of Obliterate not 2 shotting bosses.

I can see why Blizzard doesnt feel inclined to listen to people that wont even take the initiative to inform a tank that might not know that Obliterates cleave in DnD. Rets also want enemies to be in their Consecrate. Not only does it do some damage but it cleaves Exorcism and a talent gives it a chance at generating Holy Power. DK isnt unique in this department.

Honestly I love oblit but frostscythe should replace oblit when you pick it as a talent and should do more damage.

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You wrote several big paragraphs, but didn’t really say anything. I think the word is a blow hard.

Maybe something about whining about people asking blizzard for enhancements.

Alright let me break it down for you:

Guy complains about tanks moving mobs out of d&d.

You suggest the guy talks to the tank to tell them not to move out of d&d.

I reply to your point specifically because it might not work all of the time, tanks gotta do what tanks gotta do. Just pointing out a different perspective to the situation.

Could have ended right there but for some reason you chose to interperet my point as some kind of personal attack?


They’re just here to troll people.
Literally will argue the opposite side in another post.

Best thing to do is put it on ignore and move on with your day.


Grip of the dead is a great tool to handle this problem. Doesn’t work always since some mobs are immune to slow but will generally help a lot

Let me break it down for you. The person was saying that they wait until they think the tank is going to be in the relatively same place, puts down DnD, and then the tank goes running off again making it so DnD is basically wasted.

That is not the same as avoiding mechanics, that chain pulling.

It could have ended right there but you just had to find some where to get a little jab in. Failed with the ability math so you looked for something else.

Those are big paragraphs? It was like 6 sentences.

Again, I know you guys like to complain, sorry that talking to a party member might make your runs better. Ill remember next time to not suggest doing the bare minimum and let you guys claim Blizzard should fix your problems for you.