Big frost dk changes coming feb 7! (no kidding this time)

Because the spec needs a rework and can feel bad to play sometimes if your rng sucks. No amount of numbers tuning can change the fundamentally bad foundation they forced on it since the great pruning in Legion.


Happy to see some love. Maybe it’s not the answer some of you were looking for but it’s something.

I would like to see DnD have a longer uptime or a shorter cool down. Seems like it would be a simple quality of life move. Allow us to reset easily or keep our aoe more mobile.


Longer duration, not shorter CD. Using GCDs on this ability is already awkward… Don’t need to make it worse by making us cast it more often.


Still work to be done compared to other classes. Blood and Holy are in solid spot. Frost is not.

These changes are garbage imo. They don’t address Frost’s main issues at all and are just raw damage increases on abilities that hardly did anything to begin with. Whelp hitting harder? Seriously? Who asked for that? Frost strike will still be a waste of a spender outside of proccing KM during Pillar and Glacial was never used for the damage to begin with, if it was ever used in the first place.

Frost doesn’t need flat raw damage buffs. It needs fundamental changes/additions to make the design less reliant on Pillar to do damage. Flat number increases are not good design when the entire class is modifiers built on modifiers.

Cleaving was the only “significant” change and even then the setup with DnD still only gives 1-2 obliterates at max. More spread damage (assuming you can even get a setup on all 3) might be decent, but not what Frost was missing. This addition also means the frostscythe buff is entirely redundant/not needed.


Im happy that frost fever and frost strike got buffed since a big issue is the lack of sustain damage outside pillar…though i doubt it will be enough.

We still wont be able to trade blows with warriors, demon hunters, ferals etc. Frost strike could have been buffed more in pvp and would have liked to see a buff to howling blast.

Bigger issue is the lack of defensives against physical damage.


Our survivability is no where near UH. The DS nerf affected us the most and we have nothing to fall back on. UH at least has passives to fall back on.

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I wish they’d remove BoS, I don’t think I’ve played Frost seriously since they’ve added the talent.


It’s still too far behind. BoS is the only viable build to even keep up with other classes in terms of damage. However, if you mess up your window at all, then consider yourself done. Obliterate was fun, but even with the buffs, it is nowhere compared to unholy.

It sucks cause i used to love frost, and it kinda felt like a dk version of Fury and i hope it becomes competitive again.

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I do think Obliteration frost will be the best build in M+ coming next week. It was already competitive with breath and will now be better unless you’re in a fully coordinated environment.


In a perfect world you would be right, but in my M+ runs the tank pulls the mobs out of my DnD on almost every single pull. Even when I wait a few seconds for them to position all the mobs before I drop it they STILL move them all out immediately :rage:


Then speak up. Just ask them to stop moving stuff out of your DnD.

Not a realistic expectation most of the time, some pulls just have too much ground stuff going on to keep all the mobs in one place.

I do my best to keep the mobs in d&d, but sometimes it’s just not feasable.


Thats not what was said. Quit making excuses.

You can get away with standing in bad in the heroics you run, but it’s different in high end m+. I’m going to move the mobs as is needed while trying to make sure the dps can maximize thier output. These goals conflict a lot of the time.


Not while survivability is no where near Unholy. No its not enough.

You only need to be in the DnD - even if it’s just barely in, Cleaving Strikes works off of YOUR position :slight_smile:

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Again. Thats not what was said and i wasnt the one complaining about tanks moving out of DnD.

I know, but the tanks in my M+ runs don’t even stay close enough for that, they run far away like they think DnD is a mechanic they need to avoid or something (and without affixes or actual mechanics forcing them to do so), and they ignore anything I say in /party.

Used to get this with my Poison Bomb on my Rogue - they’d see a green circle and head for the hills.