Big Dozer man

This is when you should use it.

Ya, for the same reason

Healers will use big heals out of CC so sharpen gets way more pressure

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this explains so much

I don’t think I ever saw him advertise his YouTube channel, so this probably isn’t all that fun for him.


im a proud supporter of the dozer dream


Anxiously awaiting the arms warrior vs destro guide

For real this was supposed to be a meme about catching him on twitch stream asking about players not posting in forums

r u down to q double warrior bro

That’s because it’s against the tos

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I don’t think I ever saw him link stuff from his YouTube channel, so this probably isn’t all that fun for him.


IMO: this would hold water if people were being mean(they’re being constructive) or his youtube channel was a private social page(public platform) or if the video originally linked wasn’t explicitly arena content(it’s claiming to be a guide)

If I had to guess based off his videos he’s just trolling here and got found out Jinluz style. The innocent questions and heavy handed emoji use definitely do not line up with someone who is creating guides on YouTube. Either way I don’t think this thread was intended to be malicious.

Doze this just makes me love you more.


Well, depending how much stuff he has linked to that handle or his social media, people might track down his RL info too.

For example, someone might find his FB now.

This is why you shouldn’t identify people’s stuff on other websites and post it without permission.


Well that’s permanent ban material if you dox someone.

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as someone who has been doxxed, i think you’re being melodramatic. a youtube video specifically designed to act as a guide for wow pvp players being posted to the wow pvp forum seems like a pretty small deal.


Do you want to ask Dozer if he’s ok with what you did?

Considering it boosted his views and got him at least one subscriber. I would doubt he would have an issue.


no, because i don’t really care whether he’s personally offended by comments that have yet to be personally insulting and he shouldn’t post on youtube if being doxxed from his gamer youtube channel is a logistical concern. posting that video is a squarely blameless action.

people shouldn’t dox other people, and that has no relationship at all to anything so far posted in this thread except for your insistence that people think about it potentially influencing somebody to go look for his personal info.

what’s wrong with you?