Big difference between horde vs alliance

One of the biggest differences I noticed between horde and alliance players at least on the servers I’ve played on is: Alliance players are a lot nicer.

If you ask for help in trade as horde you are almost guaranteed to be met with sarcastic people trying their hardest to be funny and acknowledged or people just being straight up rude.

If you ask for help as alliance you can get that too sometimes, but a lot of times people will personally message you asking how they can help you and are very polite.

What are the biggest difference between the two factions that you’ve noticed or experienced?


I play both factions and there are nice people on both sides and jerks on both sides.


I’ve had more experiences with people being rude towards simple questions on my Alliance alts than on Horde, though I have also had people help me and have helped people on both sides. It probably varies by server.

biggest differences i’ve noticed is Alliance trade chat is packed much more full of dead memes than Horde trade which blabbers ignorantly about politics


I’m that sarcastic guy that memes in trade chat

That I can completely agree with. On the alliance side literally EVERY time I’m in trade people are spamming anal links…It’s obscenely obnoxious.

ah yes, and those can last for over an hour as i’ve witnessed, they get pretty… creative at times

I’ve been playing for 10+ years in that time I have noticed good and bad people on both sides.

please dont generalize.

Except the filth from Malganis and Tichondrius.

Which is worse tho?

I think it completely depends on the server. I’m one of those folks who refuses to play only half the game, so I see both sides quite often. My horde servers seem mostly dead, to be honest. The alliance ones have folks chatting, even out of town, but a lot of the stuff is childish nonsense.

No matter which character I’m playing, if I see someone ask a legit question, I do my best to answer. Frequently I’m not the only one.

It’s probably a server to server, and time period thing. I’ve run into tons of helpful Horde players and a fair share of toxic Alliance players over the years at different points.

But I wouldn’t ascribe that character to one side or another.

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When I played horde I used to think Alliance had the jerks. After spending time on both sides I’ve noticed that it doesn’t matter what side you are on, both sides have jerks and both side have nice people. Just depends on who you happen to run into.

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