Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

And that suggestion is perfectly fine inside a global group of customizations. Why leave it just at Light? Why couldn´t a mage have his/her own version of “arcane / blood magic hair”? why couldn´t a warlock have their own version of “fel magic hair”? Or a Farstrider (rogues, monks and hunters) have their own “nature” version of it? The Belves are a magically inclined race to the point they don´t sweep their own streets, they magically enchant brooms to do it for them and this is merely talking about the civilians.

The issue is not with the customizations per se, the issue only appears when people come to say “but only X and Y aspects make sense for Belves” when the freaking race has quite the wide scope as per their own lore.

I went ham for the same reason I go ham to people that come to say: Belves should only get tattoos reflecting Light / Fel. And that´s because the race -just like the Nelves- has a much richer lore and in consequence, the CHANCE to get much more out of it. I´ve always believed limiting stuff like warpaint, tattoos, magical hair aspects, etc. in colors is reductive AF. If what we´re trying to do is to give people the chance to go big on their RP, to tell them “you can´t use pink color, just use yellow or GTFO” is literally disheartening.

I want the red eyes for this toon, I won´t use blue nor purple nor golden for personal reasons, and I know there´s a good lore basis to get them bigger than “Dark Ranger”. I certainly never appreciated when people came to say "buut, buut!! red eyes only are for UNDEAD!!.

Well dudes, freaking Draka has mint green eyes my toon can use if she wants to, I guess she became zombified and never realized it.

Btw, that Belf poster only took into consideration ONE aspect of the race. Look at the text I put above, even Blizzard aknowledges the Belves aren´t an homogeneous blob that go only one way (some stay with arcane, some like Liadrin went the Light route, some were like “I don´t care” I continue with Fel, some probably are using Blood… and so on). They have several rich ways to be RPed, so why handicap oneself from the start?

well they could, obviously. by light based, i just mean the tendrils will glow with light based on haircolor, so a golden glow for white/blondes/reds, which make up the most used belf haircolors. in black/blue/gray belf hair, would have to be a white glow, presumably. if you mean glow based on class, thats an interesting idea.

It´s the best idea, causeIf we actually -like, legitimately- want to encompass the most RP ways this race has the potential to give, limiting the magical schools is literally shooting ourselves on the foot.

The only fact here regarding the Belf race, is that they are “magically inclined”. And this is as valid for a pieous Priest as is valid for the most naughty of the Warlocks or the most scumbag of the rogues or the most bloodthirsty of the warriors and so on… the only thing we know for sure is that Belves will 10 times out of 10 go back to using some form of magic to help themselves in their day-to-day lives (heck, Lorash used basically shadow stuff to hide himself from the druids in the “A Good War” short story). So all the magical schools sans void -for the obvious lore reasons- are free game for them.

Likewise, Nelves only have “Death” stuff as their no-no. Even void became a thing with the whole Night Warrior stuff.

Also, wouldn´t white be associated with arcane? I mean remember the poor Nightborne with their 10 shades of white? (I sustain my case… was SO hard to saturate a little more the pastel colors they already have available on their hair, Blizzard?)

My paladin makes the tiara work. I would like a toggle and more colors too.

Also gimme tattoos blizz!



Indeed, the tiara looks fine in casters or pallies. But frankly, I cringe when I see it on physical melee classes like DKs, Rogues or Warriors (the pally is this weird mid range hybrid tbqh). I just can´t take seriously my rogue doing her scumbag rogue things while she uses a tiara. It´s a “you” thing I know, but something that happens to me.

I feel like she´s gonna get stuck in the guts of the mosters she slays with the tiara, ffs.

Scars we need even moar. And it´s funny, I should probably get up from my behind and start thinking about good scar examples (as a dirty anime fan, I know I want some version of the crossed scar on the face… still undecided between good ´ol Kenshin Himura or the more hardcore Phantom no Miria).

It is beautiful, but boring when it´s the only color available. Arcane spells are at least purple, blue and orange colored, one would think the NB could manage to enchant their hair depending on the magical school the mage uses. Heck, how about a bright pink color for arcane too?

Heck, after 9.1.5, limiting colors between races became even more stupid. The Frostwolf clan has SKY BLUE tabards, why can´t Orc players use BLUE warpaint?!?


yeah the mana hair for suramar nightborne was white light that had an opaline/mother-of-pearl sheen to it. was quite striking.

Yeah, it isn’t for everyone, which is why it should have come with a toggle in the first place.

If blizzard doesn’t give me braids though, I’m going to cry.

Every hairstyle from every race with any type of accesory should get a toggle. I mentioned in the Customization thread, and will probably mention it here -again-: jewerly is the WORST kind of customization as far as actual liberty to customize is concerned, cause the colors are limited.

And unless the devs implement a color wheel for it, 9 times out of 10 the freaking jewerly won´t match the tmogs one is trying to build, ergo making one literally ditch the jewerly in favor of keeping the tmog. Making the jewerly a pointless customization option that instead of broadening the stuff reduces it to “look only for clothes stuff that matches that particular tone of golden / silver / etc”.


Yeah, only a few races got multiple colors to choose from.

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This needs to be added for a lot of things, hair colors, skin colors, eye colors, jewelry colors, gem colors, nail colors, I could go on but I’m sure everyone gets the idea. :blush: :blush: :blush:


A color wheel would be fantastic, but I feel it’s very unlikely unfortunately.


And even with that, i bet you the jewerly more times than not mess up their tmogs. Finding stuff that matches tmogs isn´t easy unless one sticks to tier stuff.

Will I know it, so many times I ditched tmogs cause the shade of the colors wasn´t similar, smh.

The real question is if Blizzard has the means and the WILL to implement this.

Now talk about actual QoL stuff.


I’m jealous of the draenei. I can get their jewelry to match one of the covenant sets I wanted to use on my belf. A couple of the jewelry options belves got would have looked good with the set, but of course don’t match.


And let me guess: considering they don´t match, they become this huge visible weird color stain one can´t help to look and feel grief about.


The story of my life regarding simple tmogs.


Yep, I end up not using it a lot, so it ended up being pointless additions.

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lol me too. i only have earrings. lol

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I’m sad they never used these models from a Sunfury outpost in Outland. Recolored, and repurposed they could’ve made some pretty cool modern day blood elf lodges with it, instead of reusing the night elf structures.




last one lol


Sharing my pic posting magic:



A Sunfury tabard should had been available since Cata tbqh -and I say Cata cause only after Cata we learned some of them went back to Quel´thalas-

Also for the love of God, a REAL tabard model similar to irl Hospitaller Knights would be appreciated (I speak about the design). The in-game tabards don´t look like tabards but like these weird apron esque things.

An image illustrate my point (maybe someone here can post it, please):


Imagine this design with a Sunfury / Blood Knight / Silvermoon / etc. mottiff and coloration instead of the Templar motiff :heart_eyes:

joke´s on Blizzard considering these structures have been in-game since TBC… so they are actually Older than dirt.

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here ya go!

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