Looking to swap a few toons over and was considering ed as I had an alliance there early bfa. The wpvp was very fun then. Is it still active?
Also wondering if there’s plenty of guilds that spam bgs/rbgs like they did early bfa or is the realm pretty dead now? I don’t see ED players in bgs much so I didn’t know if the rp realms getting sharded together for queues or if that was just more wpvp. How does alliance perform in random bgs?
The realm is active and the alliance needs more.
Both factions perform equally well in random bgs.
Well, I have called ED home since a few months before Legion. Took a hiatus about half way through BFA due to RL. Missed everything so I recently came back. You really can’t beat the community. Alliance sorely needs more people especially if you enjoy living with War Mode turned on.
Emerald Dream has seen a recent revival in just about every aspect of the game thanks to the community banning together. Both hide and alliance perform well in BGs and arenas. The alliance still has some big guilds that are active such as Clan Battlehammer and the guard. They could use your help though. I mean, it’s not their fault, they’re the alliance, only but so much they can do before a GM gives them martins fury to have a chance against the might of the Horde!
Check out the ingame and discord community. We’ve actually got an awesome wpvp event going on tonight.
Alliance preforms well in bgs just requires a bit of communication and someone to stand up and lead.
Ed alliance needs all the help it can get. Come on over if you need a guild there’s plenty willing to provide one, myself included. I lead the Obsidian Syndicate, been seeing loads of pvp action in bgs, arenas and out in the world! Our active times are from 4 pm central to 12 am all week!
The wpvp is coming back and pretty strongly at that. Roll over and give alliance a shot!
Hey! If you planned on coming Ally on ED, “The Guard” would be glad to have you! Quite a few of us are running alternating 2’s and 3’s teams. Main pushes are floating in the 1800s rn and alt pushes around 1500. A lot of guys will do it just for vault cap too! As far as RBG’s we are trying for 3x a week, and aren’t too picky with who comes as long as you aren’t too picky about how often we win. (Lol) All with a pretty populated night time active guild that runs 5-10 people from about 7pm to about 3am depending on time of week. All while trying to push the narrative of more WPVP and RP events. We’d love to have you around. If not, there definitely are quite a few other Ally guilds that I’m sure will jump on here. Personally I’m sure any guild on ED alliance will be happy to have you, and you’ll definitely find your fit amongst us! Hope to see you around!
As far as random BG’s I think the leveling BG’s are pretty 50/50. I’ve leveled 9 alts through strict pvp and never felt too btfo except reaaally early in the morning. With the max level randoms, it’s really heavily swung depending on if your or their team has a couple of the good ol boys from the same guild because even a little bit of coordination dumpsters the zero brain Zerg.
There is a realm discord you are welcome to join and check out, if you havent already.
first link on there ^
We’re doing some WPVP out in Hellfire tonight, from 8-10pm.
Get your toons over here already. If you need a spot to put a dwarf Clan Battlehammer is the dwarfiest option there is.
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I’d def be a kul tiran showing off my belly. I flew around there last night on my old pally a little and man it’s a ghost town even in oribos. Stormwind had 11 people in /who. No duelers outside stormwind either.
The population drop from full zuljin to high ed is a waterfall.
Did the pitiful shadowlands systems decimate ed that bad?
We had a World PVP event last night and there were 80+ people with Warmode on participating. Dueling doesn’t happen much outside of any capitals. If you are on from about 7pm to 11pm CST that’s when most people seem to be active on this server.
Yes it was really bad but there seems to be a revival of the community lately.
Perfect, now let me throw that belly at Orgimmar. Join the Obsidian Syndicate, we will forge you into a pvp machine.
You do have to watch yourself with the one they call Linguistic. She once denied me a stretcher solely based on height.
For Ironforge!
For the Alliance!
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That’s unacceptable. A regular stretcher can fit two of our kind.