BGs have finally died

a person’s skill isn’t even consistent hour to hour let alone day to day, you have good days and bad days, good moments and bad moments. your skill varies by how much sleep, exercise, and meditation you have had as well as your current blood sugar levels and state of mind.

nobody wants to lose ever, but someone has to lose. part of it being a random queue is that you don’t know what kind of game you will get. some games you will stomp, some games you will get stomped, and most games will be something in between.

Good design at the start will mean a minimum of need for future maintenance and changes. It’s not like properly functioning matchmaking systems are a new and uncharted territory.

That’s why it’s important to fix party sync, no one wants to lose a game before it even starts due to systemic issues. We’re not trying to build a perfect system just a better one.

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i honestly think the solution to that will be to enable raids to queue, but make it so they face mainly other raids. allow solos to fill any gaps in the roster and then do cross faction queues.

this would mean premades are no longer dropping and disrupting the queue for everyone else because of split pops.

the rise of premades recently to me at least indicates a different trend, people want to premade. they want to get in disc with a bunch of friends and have fun while casually pvping and they don’t want blizzard to tell them how many friends they are allowed to have. people like joining teams and clubs and there is a whole subculture of pvp communities with their drama reaching epic levels, it ends up being a digital version of gang warfare sometimes between communities. a lot of people new to that scene often comment they haven’t had that much fun and engagement in years.

and as for losing the game before it starts, why blame the premade team when you could blame the system for putting you against them, or blame the game for allowing power gaps to be so extreme, or just blame blizzard because they haven’t “fixed pvp”. what about yourself? did you blame yourself for not understanding what the premade did to wipe you so fast? did you blame yourself for not thinking of a counter? did you blame yourself for not pushing back hard enough? did you at least entertain the thought that you could have done something different to change the outcome before you decided it was completely out of your control and thus not fair?

I do blame Blizzard, that’s why we’re discussing alternatives for their approach. Offering larger party queues might sway some of them but many would still sync because they’re just jerks, no offense. Not casting that on all of the community members, just that some people make a game of making others have a bad time and the more Blizzard refuses to respond to it the more they support the systematic abuse of its subscribers. That’s the point when the rational players quit.

People understand exactly what they premades did. They queue sync’d together enough groups and queued enough times until all the groups got into the same one, thus screwing over all the teammates that were in the bg they dropped group from after not all getting in. Then they refused to complete objectives and farmed graveyards hard, cycling through replacements until they abandoned the graveyard.

I mean, I get what you’re saying, that top performers and elites should be able to queue sync into randoms whenever they want and it’s the fault of the randoms if thney can’t beat you with your super gear and your communication. It’s their own fault they didn’t want to exploit in multiple ways the way you do to win every time, and you deserve to win for being Blizzards favored children.

most of the people you see in that category in bgs mainly just play bgs as their form of content. if you wanted to exclude them you would be telling people that if they get too good at the game they will be excluded and punished, which isn’t the kind of message you want to send.

im not suggesting a solo only queue like blitz, premades would just solo sync that queue. im just saying to allow premades to queue as a raid in the current queue. you could then do stuff like remove the leave queue button and harsher afk punishments to prevent dropping. you would still have games where its pugs vs premades, but you wouldn’t have the current situation where its 5 pugs alone vs a full 40 man stacked roster. the idea isn’t to give you a winning game every game, but to remove the completely unwinnable ones from existing.

everything else when it comes to enabling pugs vs premades could be handled with gearing and class balance overhauls from blizzard. but you will still face the fact that some teams will just destroy you because they are made up of people who just bg all day every day and have been doing that for years, and they made friends along the way with other people who do the same and they are all now playing together.

you have to remember that PVP is the content for PVPers, it isn’t a side game, it is THE game. so the idea that it should be treated like a casual fun ride offering fun for all regardless of skill is not going to appeal to a group that takes pride in personal skill growth.

you also have to remember that people are different, some people have fun just playing the game, some people have fun winning the game, and some people have fun destroying you and tbagging your corpse until you rage quit. there isn’t a correct way to have fun because one group doens’t have fun with the other group’s method.

It’s sad considering their own poll show PvP as the second most played activity in modern WoW.

If anything you’d think they would put more of a focus on what the players enjoy.

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And last but not least, those who got over 500 Honor Levels absurdly fast during the Legion/BfA expansion packs.

How would you know?

Cowards terrified of PvP, nothing more. They get into premades so they can win in trivial content vs pugs.

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Some even send in one player to see if they’re facing another premade and drop if they are.

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Haven’t seen many good players that premade tbh. Usually it is the gang mentality of, “We are all weak cowards, but if the 6 of us attack this old woman while she isn’t even looking, we can probably steal her purse!”


Why do bgs when you can do plunderstorm? I thought plunderstorm was going to replace all the bgs.

An idea to incentivize BG play: Legion Honor talents that reset and refresh every season.

I think a lot of them are just new players who were sold a bill of goods about how everyone does it, doesn’t help that Blizzard hasn’t made any recent statements on the issue which is why it seems like they’re content to let that part of the game die. You can farm them while they farm your team, sometimes even that’s not an option when you find yourself focused by 20 boomies (that’s happened, played the same team the next night).

There are some good players mixed in but the average is worse than the average pug. Some will even claim the reason they premade is because pugs are such bad players, they’re generally the griefers in my experience.

some do sure, but there are also a lot of people who just play all forms of pvp including rated and high level rated, and there are premades that fight other premades.

All of them are cowards.

These are called RBGs.

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what are they afraid of?

not in 40 man maps. also, RBGs aren’t played the same, once you get into rated, you take things more seriously, if you want to play X spec and build but it isn’t useful in the current meta, you are SOL, you won’t get to play. nobody cares about that in unrated, additionally unrated allows you to use professions and consumables to overcome some of your class balance shortcomings. it results in different playstyles with different strategies. also in rated you might not be able to play with your friends if they have vastly different MMRs, if you intend to climb, playing with the wrong people can screw up your own MMR hurting your climbing chances or causing you to have to put in way more time and effort to get your MMR to where it was.

Blizzard has stigmatized losing so much that people are afraid of it.