BGs have finally died

I miss the BG play of old. I could spend an entire Saturday in EotS or AV, doing them over and over because it was such fun. I stopped enjoying BGs in early MoP for a few reasons, but …unpopular opinion…primarily the separation of players into rated and unrated BG queues. It inevitably and dramatically changed the quality of unrated BG play for players who (like me) weren’t dedicated enough for rated play, but who were having fun and trying hard to collect wins and sets and achievements. So many groups would feel half-baked, literally, often lacking leadership or motivated players who take the objectives seriously.

I think about BGs often, but cannot entice myself to queue. Maybe things have changed, but I can’t imagine for the better.

And to be really real, the total laziness of recoloring raid tiers for PVP sets is a huge whomp-whomp moment and I treasure my old unique sets all the more because of it. :slight_smile:

Also, add Tol Barad to the pool, already. I loved that place. I’ll run Tol Barad. Promise.


BGs have been dead since Cata.


All the focus of WoW PVP goes into arena because they love their e-sports. BGs suffered because of that.


Premades need the pugs, pugs don’t need the premades. You should be nicer to us or you might find yourself in Twinkville, population 0.


Lmao. Okay, there’s many other game modes in WoW.
I do pvp until I hit honor level 500 then I will never touch it again.

The entirety of Retail PvP needs an overhaul, the primary issue is Blizzards refusal to provide the minimum maintenance requirements in all areas of play.

Myself and several others are trying to work with Members of the Community Council over on this post here to garner Blizzards attention in the hopes of having some of these issues addressed.

Thanks for making this post, if the PvP community can keep a flag raised long enough for it to be seen maybe just maybe we’ll see some change.


I loved BGs! Randoms, rated, I didn’t care.
I like Randoms because I can just load up wow and play…
Now they are more just frustrating and broken.


It’s been this way every expansion because hunters no longer need to stand still for some portion of their damage. Having a deadzone eliminates this meta.

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I also saw a Blood DK finish a normal BG (not Epic) with 568M in healing.
Yes, half a billion in healing…


Welcome to PvP in general, people will play whatever the FotM free carry class and spec is to the detriment of others that either don’t have the toolkit to deal with them or doesn’t want to swap to the FotM. Not surprised people are flag trolling either, I remember when BM monks back in MoP would literally stand in the middle of the arena with the flag, have the entire team on them, and just be completely invulnerable and dishing out a ton of damage at the same time.

Balance has never been a thing for WoW PvP, in both the classes and gear for it, and blizzardhas pretty much made it an after thought in favor of PvE which is their main bread and butter.


I started to look at it this way: it’s just a game, with its own strengths and weaknesses. If I stop having fun over some imbalance, I just take a break and play something else.

If we all did just that, Blizzard would react much sooner, because they would see participation metrics drop.

If nothing changes, then the majority is satisfied and it’s probably a good idea to just move on.


Which brings me to another point…
Is there an MMORPG that has anything close to WOWs style of PVP?
I mean as in it feels like WOW but without the brokenness?

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Hunters suck in Arena but are good in casual BGs. What do you think would be a good way to balance them? Remove sniper shot which would remove the 60 yard range? Cause im pretty sure just being able to pump uncoordinated casuals from 60 yards away is prob the reason hunters do so well in casuals.


Honestly, I prefer being able to group with a friend or two. Could even try to match up sides with small groups on both sides. You and a couple friends vs almost the entire other team being a premade doesn’t work so well, though.


And nothing of value was lost.

That hasn’t been my experience but I don’t do a ton of Arenas.
The few I did with a hunter, the hunter was dominant.

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I despise waiting in queue. At least in plunderstorm you are right in if you get blitzed from the start…

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How many times has this happened?

Queue up…
12 minutes later, queue pops…
Enter a BG…
Its half over and your getting crushed…
Your team has 6 players vs 10…
Game ends 2 minutes later…

Queue up…
13 minutes later, queue pops…
Game starts with you having 7 players, them 10…
You lose in 3 minutes…

Queue up…
15 minutes later, queue pops…
Game is half over and their team has 5 players and your team is camping their GY.
Game ends in 2 minutes.


Everything you’ve listed seems to be addessed by blitz. I recommend queueing that

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AV weekends were the best! I have such fun memories of that! :upside_down_face: