BGs as Alliance aren't fun

Epic bgs seems to be hell for alliance but random bgs lately ally has done good

Yea, randoms aren’t too bad depending on the time of day. The brawl though, that was rough…

Look at this I have not given up yet.

ah yeah some brawls are hit or miss. Some brawls 1 faction does better then other from what I notice

Guess I need to knock the dust off this ole Skool rogue and show you how real alliance stealthies steal the win!

I have a rough night as alliance now and then and I don’t do many epics. Randoms are good overall, but epics, I’ve had some crappy luck. I solo and group, more solo these days.

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This is all hit and miss, it depends on the groups, communication and what classes you have (although any good geared group that knows what the are they are doing is going to faceroll the other group regardless). I’ve been in some great groups and I’ve been in groups that no one seems to know what to do. It all depends on if there is someone there willing to take the lead and run with it. I’ve got a max toon on both sides and both sides are guilty of this. I can say from what I’ve seen, I see more organization with Ally’s in WPVP and with Horde in BG’s but it still depends on a given night.

Won the brawl again tonight … that’s 3-0 in 3 nights . Somehow alliance seems to be failing there. Did a Battle for Gilneas next… got trashed by alliance . Next did ToK… this time alliance got trashed . Then went merc and got WSG, Horde got smashed 3-0. All in all good night even though I did not do a Epic one .

How did you get your link to post like that xd.

So about an hour ago I got backfilled into a winning Alliance Wintergrasp match :sweat_smile:

When I came in Alliance had 11 vehicles and Horde only had 1, so after I took a quick glance at the map I decided to stick around since I liked what I saw (usually I just insta-leave when I see the Wintergrasp loading screen). Had my free conquest points less than 20 minutes later, thanks for the carry Alliance :+1:

That people are even willing to afk out/ragequit from a WINNING Wintergrasp game tells you all you need to know :rofl:

Meanwhile, every single time I get backfilled into an Alliance AV it’s a loss-in-progress :roll_eyes:

Use the Insert Hyperlink option.

Personal win loss rates are not the same as overall for everyone. Here is one example on my Horde toons I have a 73% win rate while my ally toons are in the 39% but that is just Queue rng luck and my luck is awful for my ally. I think overall is probably like 45% one side and 55% the other or close to it. I haven’t checked it lately.

I can’t speak on smaller BGs, but horde do much better in epic BGs for sure. Maybe someone can argue “time of day” and then whip out their alliance reflex showing them winning ~70% of epic BGs like my cow does; but I haven’t seen any evidence yet.

It’s not really luck… lol Not talking about you, of course, but I think a lot of alliance come into epics with no real understanding of the necessary strat to win, but they hope they’ll “get lucky” and land in a win. TBH I have no idea why so many alliance who don’t know how to play epics queue for them. Are they chasing conquest, marks of honor, or what? I have a junky feeling they are the ones who play poorly in smaller BGs so they infest alliance-side epic BGs, thinking there’s a better chance winning as “part of the zerg”…


And to add to this, it’s randoms, not rated.

Gtfo with that meta bs :joy:

Yeah, I hear that. I love AV, WG is pretty fun but playing either of those bgs anymore just makes me hostile :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: so I rarely queue epics. I miss the days alliance actually backcapped in AV. It’s so rare for me to get a group who will do that and I’ve never enjoyed AV races.

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I think I have tried everything it won’t let me put a hyperlink up.

QFT. I would be very happy to backcap but no one seems to want to anymore. They are too busy dying to 4 horde in IBT. :sweat:

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It’s 4+ horde and the NPCs. People forget that they hurt.

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Haven’t lost the brawl this week…granted I only played it 4-5 times as I’m still capping Proudmore rep…but still.
You’re bad.